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Guys im getting PS3 320 GB with Move starter pack within a week.... I just want to know should i get it with bill and warranty or should i get it without bill and warranty.If i get it without bill and warranty then i can get it modded and will be getting at a very sweet price but then if anything happens i'll have to get it repaired.Suggest me what should i do ?
PS: Should i go for xbox instead of PS3 ? :S
Feels like I'm having a deja vu with these PS3 queries. :P

To answer your question, get the PS3 with a bill and warranty. You can JB it either way. Since this isn't a hardware mod, you won't have any issues getting the warranty when it dies. Getting one without warranty is a risk. I can't stress enough as to how important warranty is these days on any electronic product. You never know what could go wrong with it.
Purely up to your choice and needs. If you're leaning more towards exclusive titles, then PS3 is a great choice. 360 usually gets a well optimised version of multi-platform games. I would personally suggest the PS3. The upcoming exclusives are really shaping up and there are a lot of AAA PS2 titles being remastered for it as well. Plus it has Move and 3D support too. So it's worth the price you pay for it.
I think we should i have dedicated thread for these questions as they have popped up many because of Jailbreak out and lowering of Arcade prices
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