21-30k Need average gaming cpu for around 25-30 k

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Q: What is your budget?

Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
out of my current config nothing is in good shape, so nothing can be used henceforth

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

Proc: I5 3550 or I5 2500k
mobo - intel DB75EN or any other
HDD - 1 tb or 500 gb...would prefer 1 tb
ram cosair 8 gb 1600 mhz- or 4gb would prefer 8gb
LG dvd write combo
SMPS- 450w or 500w (cosair may be)
gfx 550 ti or 6850
cabby dunno ?

this is what my friend suggested...and did a bit on research

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
yes this will be final ,no adding/upgrading in future

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
Mumbai mostly lamington road...
Open to online purchase if at affordable price within budget

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
No (don't want to take risk....as me investing for a bt long term)

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
nothing as such....

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
Fifa 12/13 , CS Orange Box
and some other mid level games

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
Gaming - 1280x768
Desktop - 1280x768

Q: Are you looking to overclock?

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 ...32 or 64 bit
Do u have Monitor or Anything? This a Pre-Build by ALPHA17 + some Modifications. The Configuration You mentioned is Seriously way out of the Budget.


[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TD]Intel Pentium G620[/TD]
[TD]Gigabyte GA-H61M-D2H[/TD]
[TD]Corsair ValueRAM 4GB x1[/TD]
[TD]Seagate 500GB[/TD]
[TD]Optical drive [DVD][/TD]
[TD]HP [boxed] / SAMSUNG [OEM][/TD]
[TD]Graphics Unit[/TD]
[TD]Dell IN2030M[/TD]
[TD]NZXT Gamma[/TD]
[TD]Corsair CX v2430W[/TD]
[TD]Keyboard+ Mouse[/TD]
[TD]LOGITECH K200 combo[/TD]
[TD]BXR 1221[/TD]

Do u have Monitor or Anything? This a Pre-Build by ALPHA17 + some Modifications

Few more modifications on the same RIG --
  • Instead of the GIGABYTE H61 chipset based motherboard, go for the GIGABYTE-B75-D3H ~4800/- [better feature set, supports faster RAM modules out of the box + USB 3.0 [forward adapter] and SATA III ports.
  • For the RAM, go for 2 x2GB G.Skill RIPJAWS / Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz ~1800/-. This will give you the advantage of dual-channel bandwidth.
  • For the graphics card, try to go for a AMD HD7770 GHz edition ~9000/- over any other card if this is a long term investment.

Rest all is fine, Cheerio!

Happy RIG buying and gaming.
thankx aryacooldude and Alhpa1 for your prompt replies and sorry from my side for late reply...

Components Name Price

Processor Intel Pentium G620 3350
Motherboard GIGABYTE-B75-D3H 4800
/ Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz 1800
Hard-drive Seagate 500GB 3500
Optical drive [DVD] HP [boxed] / SAMSUNG [OEM] 1000
Graphics Unit AMD HD7770 GHz edition 9000
Cabinet NZXT Gamma 2400
SMPS Corsair CX v2430W 2600

TOTAL Rs. 28,450 max 29k(Approximate)


Processor i5 2320 10500
Motherboard ASRock H61M-PS2 2800
Graphics Unit MSI Radeon HD 6850 8000
RAM Corsair Vengeance 4gb1600MHz(2*2) 1800
HDD WD Caviar Green 1tb 5000 /3500 for 500 GB
SMPS Corsair 450vs 2000
Cabby Intex Mid tower 500
Optical drive LG dvdrw 1000

TOTAL : 31600 or 30100...

despite of putting 3-4 k extra...i think config below is better...please let me know your thoughts.......

1 more doubt i have is ....should i invest more on proc/mobo or gfx ...

PS: plz recommend me for long term perspective :)
Hey no problems @farooq10, take your time, it is your hard-earned cash you are ponying-up for the build.

Seeing your usage patterns this is what I suggest for the long run --

Intel Core i3 2120 ~6800/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/- [compared to the H61 chipset you are buying for the second build this is far superior, supports more RAM, faster RAM, SATA III and USB 3.0 are also off the chipset and not via third-part controllers. The after-sales service of GIGABYTE is also better than ASRock in India]
Corsair Vengeance 2GB x2 1600MHz ~1800/-
Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 1TB ~4800/- [a better performer than Western Digital's Green edition drive which is more practical as a data-dump not a primary OS drive]
HP [boxed] / SAMSUNG / LG [OEM] drives ~1000/- [to me all are the same, but getting warranty claim will be easiest on the HP drive]
AMD HD7770GHz edition ~9500/- [performs at par with the HD6850 and is more efficient that is why we are recommending this]
NZXT Gamma ~2400/- [any day better than a Intex cabinet, interiors are fully painted, airflow is good, cable routing cutouts are present and most important build quality is also good]
Corsair CX v2430W ~2600/- [again a better performer than the VS450W SMPS, which is a local piece for Indian and Chinese market and has been reported as having poor quality capacitors used in it --> Badcaps Forums - View Single Post - Fake SAMXON cap in Corsair PSU?]

Balance your expenditure between the three, if you spend on a quad-core processor and get a moth-ball motherboard like the H61 you are not gaining anything; settle for a dual-core for now (which should be enough for you too) and add a more powerful processor ~2 years down the line if you wish.

About the graphics card, try to get the newer HD7770 GHz edition over the older HD6850.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
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Today i visited lamington road got rates and its around 30k thanks alpha17 for your advice.Now next i will be going on saturday morning to buy this.I need one more help from you guyz the vendor over there suggested me the config which are as follows processor AMD bulldozer FX6100 (acc to him this processor is equivalent to i7 980X and it has 6 cores with total cache 14mb,base speed 3.3ghz and many more) with motherboard giga 78 this total comes to Rs 11500 and remaining same config as suggested above.

- - - Updated - - -

If you want rates of lamington road
i3 2120 ~6200
B75 BOARD ~4500
HDD seagate 1TB~4200
HD 7770~8500
NZXT gamma~2200
4gb vengeance 1600mhz ~1500 X 2

FOR i5-10,000 and B75 3500

I am happy with the rates quoted but he suggested me FX 6100 i want some info on that and i am sure you guyzz will help me out :)
AMD bulldozer FX6100 (acc to him this processor is equivalent to i7 980X and it has 6 cores with total cache 14mb,base speed 3.3ghz and many more) with motherboard giga 78

Quoting the PM here to avoid the misconceptions from taking root.

Here are a few reviews for the FX-6100 --> AMD FX 6100 Black Edition review | from TechRadar's expert reviews of Processors / AMD FX-8120, AMD FX-6100 and AMD FX-4100 CPUs Review - X-bit labs / AMD FX-8150, FX-8120, FX-6100 and FX-4170 - Introduction.

The biggest issue with the FX series processors is that they are not gaming processors, are inefficient (compared to Intel Core i5's / i7's) and thoroughly inconsistent performers.

The flagship eight-core CPU in the FX family, AMD FX-8150, in most cases can’t catch up even with the quad-core Core i5-2500, performing well only in few selected applications for 3D modeling and during video transcoding.

Slower eight-core modification, AMD FX-8120, looks even less convincing, because it has significantly lower clock frequencies. In terms of performance, this processor ranks even below the quad-core competitor solutions. Moreover, FX-8120 is also slower than the top previous-generation AMD CPU – Phenom II X6 1100T.

Six-core FX-6100 is similar in speed to mainstream Phenom II X6 processors, and in comparison to competition, it falls between top Core i3 and junior Core i5 CPUs. Besides, in most general-purpose applications, including games, its performance is closer to that of dual-core Core i3.

It turns out that the only one who may benefit from the upcoming migration from Phenom II to the new FX family is AMD. Bulldozer microarchitecture allows the company to stop using old manufacturing process for their semiconductor dies and move on to the new cores with lower production cost. However, the end users won’t win in this situation. FX CPUs that are coming to replace the good old Phenom II processors are not faster or cheaper than their predecessors. Therefore, until processors on new Piledriver microarchitecture come out, the new FX are of no real interest to AMD fans and Phenom II owners. FX CPUs are also hardly appealing for the new systems: Intel’s Core i5 and Core i3 processors can offer better combination of price and performance in a wide range of tasks with only a few exceptions such as video transcoding in x264 codec and selected 3D rendering applications.

The thing about being equal to a Core i7 980X is pure bunkum, if that was the case AMD would not have priced it at [SUP]1[/SUP]/[SUB]10[/SUB][SUP]th[/SUP] the cost of the Nehalem Core i7.

So I suggest that you stick to the Intel configuration provided. Cheerio!

Here is the Intel Core i3 2100 vis-á-vis the FX-8150 [top of the line FX processor] --> http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/434?vs=289 (look at power efficiency and gaming benchmarks, single-core performance is also better by the diminutive Core i3).

Also the GIGABYTE-780G chipset based motherboard will be the cheapest thing the dealer wants to offload from his stocks, the AMD 780G chipset has undergone multiple transformations since its introduction as a budget motherboard chassis for the AMD Phenom processors, it was uprated to support Athlon II / Phenom IIx2 class processors on their release and now it has gone for a socket transplant to support AM3+ processors but putting an AM3+ processor will be detrimental to the over-all build, due to following reasons --
  • because the chipset is so old, it will most likely not have any new connectors like USB 3.0 and SATA III.
  • will not support AM3+ sockets advanced power throttling options, thereby loss of operational efficiency.
  • older set of output hardware standard on the rear I / O panel.
  • the FX-6100 will be operating at the borderline on this motherboard as it supports ~95W processors at most.
Basically the shopkeeper is trying to con you.
Yes you are right thanks for your advice,But you know i have visited 4 to 5 shops and all of them suggested FX6100 may be they have some marketing strategy to sell.The guy who told me its equivalent to i7 actually he had a template of AMD where the comparisions were made with intel i read that and at that moment i believed that FX is far better than i3/i7 but now i know the truth behind that thankyou again bro surely now i will go for i3.Should i make any changes to the config or is it perfect to go ahead ?

I want to ask you one more thing now i have Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT GFX one year warranty on bill is still remaining should i exchange that or should i sell it on OLX ?

The Budget you said i would suggest you to go for APU. The nEw gaming technology

APU A3870k---6850
GiGabyte A55M-DS2--3200
500Gb Seagate Sata--3600
Corsair 4Gb 1333mhz ddr3 Ram--1350
Antec 350Watt Smps--1850
Antec Atx Cabinet--2200
Asus 24x DVD Rw--1050
Logitech Gaming COmbo G100--1450
Samsung 23inch LED Monitor With HDMI support--10200

{Remember Buying APU Processor Will provide you with 6Series ATI Graphics onboard and that too 1Gigabyte Graphics and its far more better than Intel iSeries.When you put a 6Series GPU the Board has a SLI Feature and will combine the both the graphics and will give you 2Gb Graphics}

I dont want monitor i will buy that later planning to invest all money on CPU and budget is around 30k
Corsair 4Gb 1333mhz ddr3 Ram--1350 -- these need to be 2x 2GB OR 2x 4GB

{Remember Buying APU Processor Will provide you with 6Series ATI Graphics onboard and that too 1Gigabyte Graphics and its far more better than Intel iSeries.When you put a 6Series GPU the Board has a SLI Feature and will combine the both the graphics and will give you 2Gb Graphics}

Hello Kevil, welcome to TE and wish you a pleasant stay.

A few facts, OP is getting a discrete graphics card, a Core i3 OR Pentium G620 completely outpaces an AMD Llano system once this comes into play, irrespective whether you put another AMD graphics card (HD6670 / HD6550 / HD6450) in Hybrid CrossFire OR not (SLi is nVidia's proprietary technology).

Another thing on the graphics card is that the amount of V-RAM in this case does not matter, these cards will perform same whether they have ~1GB of memory given to them OR 2GB, as these cards are entry-level they simply do not have the power to saturate this space and most of it lies idle. The V-RAM's jobs are thus --
  • loading uncompressed textures; this does not happen in entry-level cards and iGP's as they simply do not have the muscle to push games at such details.
  • act as a buffer for completed frames; this does not require a lot of space, in fact for entry-level cards anything above 512MB is too much.
Adding extra V-RAM to make the card look enticing to a non-technical computer user is a marketing ploy used by the companies, it is best if we snap out of this mentality.

Also for the AMD Llano processors iGP to perform at their peak it is recommended that it be used in conjunction with a dual-channel memory-kit with a rated frequency of ~1600MHz; the performance scales with higher frequency memory.

Should i make any changes to the config or is it perfect to go ahead ?

I want to ask you one more thing now i have Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT GFX one year warranty on bill is still remaining should i exchange that or should i sell it on OLX ?

The existing Core i3 RIG detail you have is fine. Stick to it.
i3 2120 ~6200
B75 BOARD ~4500
HDD seagate 1TB~4200
HD 7770~8500
NZXT gamma~2200
4gb vengeance 1600mhz ~1500 X 2

FOR i5-10,000 and B75 3500

If you can go for the Core i5 RIG without sacrificing on any other components you can purchase that instead.

To sell the graphics card, you can list it on OLX put it up for sale here, upto you. What will you get for trading it in?
i will stick to the config given by you :)

As i am giving my old rig it will be included in that but instead i am planning to sell GFX separately i bought it for around 3k dont know whats the latest rate depending upon that will decide the selling rate.
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