Need Bassy Iem In Rs 1.5K

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Hi guys I'm bass lover and currently own pl- 21 which does not have much bass. Previously I owned EP- 630 which was bassy.

Now I need an IEM for 1.5k. It should have more bass or equal to pl-11 or ep-630.

^^ The PL-21 doesn't have bass, I find the PL-21 to be better than EP-630 on these counts [bass, sound quality (overall)].

But to each his own it seems, you can look at the BRAINWAVZ M1 but don't hold do much faith, I think the PL 21 is the best ~1000/- deal for bass and the bar is raised next in the BRAINWAVZ M2 which currently retails for 3200/-.

Here are some reviews that might help -- / / /

Wait for other members to pitch in their views, hope I helped and a Happy New Year. Cheers!!
if u r a fanboy of boomy bass, then pl 11 is a very good option..its much better than ep 630,,if u want a tighter bass and exciting sound, then go for the mee elctronics...m6 personal favourite...very good for the budget...i guess its 1.3k...huge difference from pl 21....and sounds more fun....i own both and prefer the m6 anyday !
^^ The PL-21 doesn't have bass, I find the PL-21 to be better than EP-630 on these counts [bass, sound quality (overall)].

Yes you are right pl-21 is much better than ep-630 in terms of sound quality and have much controlled bass. EP-630 dosen't mave much quality in sound but was somewhat bassy. I need more bass to enjoy music than present in pl-21. M1's don't have much bass in them.

Does any one tried sony or philips IEM's?
Go for brainwavz pro bet under 1.5k

it's an alternative for bassheads of M1

You can also upgrade to M2 in future to get more details
Where my last post gone..?

Thanks #harshit143 and #Nalin Is brainwavz pro alpha have better bass than ep-630... and pl-21?
Sennheiser CX 180

I got two of these; one for me and another for a friend.

I have the Brainwavz M1 too but they are pretty neutral
I can't give an accurate picture of it as my phones died. But they are much better sounding than the M1 and if I could use the term, they sound warmer and have a lot more bass. In fact I compare all other IEMs to how they compare with CX180 in bass.

I am waiting for a M2 and CX180 comparison of the same. I will get back with it once i am able to.

The CX180s have ample amount of bass. You would never see yourself craving for more or find yourself in a situation where you feel "a little more bass would be good" etc etc.

The problem however is in the connector which comes loose after a year and a half. I think Senn will repair it. I am writing a mail to them about it.
^^ #Sarath_ are you comparing the BRAINWAV M1 against the CX 180 purely from a bass point of view OR you feel that the Sennheiser piece overall is a better performer.

your views, Sire.
Well the comparison is mainly based on bass between M1 and CX180 where the CX wins marginally. Also they sound a little bright in comparison but that is again only because I was comparing them. I know it is difficult but if you can then try out the IEMs.

Overall better performer is a tough ques. I don't know which one is better. I would however choose another pair of CX180 if only they are much more durable. Also the CX180 are a little muddy ( I became aware of this in comparison to Klipsch X10 but they cost over 7k so it's not a fair comparison). But till the end of its life I never had a single complain of the CX180s and if this is your first plunge into the 1k above IEMs then CX180 is a splendid choice.

I currently own, and for the sake of convenience I like them in the following order:

Klipsch X10

Sennheiser CX180

Brainwavz M2

Brainwavz M1

(this is my personal opinion ONLY) (Sound is highly subjective!)
^^ Thanks Sire, I know that sound is subjective, I just ordered a BRAINWAVZ M1 and just want to know how some one else places them based on experience. Cheers!!
I recieved my sennheiser cx 180 today... It has great bass but the sound is not good as pl-21... may be it can sound better after some burn-in.... I really liked the sound of pl-21... cx 180 is more high on trebles.....
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