31-40k need CPU and GPU upgrade suggestions

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  1. What is your budget?
    • 20K for GPU
    • 20K for CPU MOBO Upgrade combo
    • The budget is just a indication i can easily even spend more dont constraint your answer with this
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - Intel i5-6500
    • Motherboard - Asus H170 Pro Gaming
    • GPU - Asus Strix RX570 (Dual Fan) [Not working ATM]
    • RAM - 2x8GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance LPX
    • Monitor - 2x 24" Dell (S2421H) 1080p 75hz w/ AMD Freesync
    • PSU - Corsair CX500
    • Case - Corsair SPEC-03
    • Storage
      250GB SAMSUNG 850 EVO 2.5" SATA SSD
      1 TB Segate HDD 7.2k RPM
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - Dell 2409
    • PSU - Corsair CX500 (might have to change to accommodate a powerful GPU)
    • Case - Corsair SPEC-03 (it does the job and is quite big to fit a decent sized GPU)
    • Storage - all i see no requirement to upgrade here
    • RAM - 2x8GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance LPX (Perferably stick to DDR4 as DDR5 is expensive i believe)
    • The above are preferably if i need to upgrade PSU as per GPU requirements would upgrade provided good value is there
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • No specific components selected yet
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Looking to use the upgraded CPU+MOBO Combo + GPU for the next 5 Years atleast
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Open to online purchase
    • Chennai
    • Perferably Used
  7. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Programming (nothing special atm just web dev)
    • Gaming (not much these days, but a hr or two a day)
    • Played Counter-Strike 2 quite a bit recently but would like to play most games at decent fps in 1080p
    • Looking to get into game development
    • I Dual boot currently and as i dont play much games i mainly run Ubuntu 22.04 along side Windows 10
  8. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike
    1. Nvidia for GPUsince i heard they are better at productivity tasks such as
      Video editing (i might edit a few videos nothing huge), game engines?)
      im not sure whats the state of support for drivers in linux
    2. Intel for CPU
      since i heard they are better IPC
      and better Clock speeds
      hence offer better Single Core performance
      which would be better for gaming i presume
      but generally for programming and productivity i think more cores would be better
      especially there 12/13/14th gen looks good with E cores but i doubt my limited usage will benefit from power savings
  9. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Counter strike 2 is what i recently played
    • Most other games
  10. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - 1080p
  11. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Yes if its worth it
    • Looking to undervolt to save power yet again wonder if it would even be worth it
  12. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 10 64 bit
    • Linux - Ubuntu 22.04 (Majority)

Since i dont game much looking at spending around 20k for the GPU (not sure maybe would matter a lot of i got into gamedev)
Looking to spend the same 20k ish for CPU + MOBO combo upgrade
Open to buying used parts without warranty, preferably used to save money and get better hardware

Please don't constraint to my preferences while suggesting its just what i think i might even spend more or less, etc

Thanks in advance for your time and valuable suggestions
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For gpu u can go used route for under 20k.....for more vram 3060 12gb at around 15k somewhat or if more vram not a requirement then at max for 20k 3070 can be had or if more requirement then for 24-26k 3070ti is there.....all can be had with some warranty
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Do you have any preferences like Intel or AMD as the AM5 socket mobos won't support ddr4 rams. So either you have to go for AMD AM4 socket 500 series mobo with 5000 series CPU or any intel intel mid range board like b660 with 12th or 13th gen i5 to use your ddr4 rams.
For gpu u can go used route for under 20k.....for more vram 3060 12gb at around 15k somewhat or if more vram not a requirement then at max for 20k 3070 can be had or if more requirement then for 24-26k 3070ti is there.....all can be had with some warranty
Yes I have a 3060 on hold with a person I know for 15k is 15k normal price for them ? Its a one year old card with 2 yr warrenty left approx normal 2 fan gigabyte card

Was thinking if I should spend a bit more and get the rx6700xt but amd would not be perf for productivity tasks I guess also I think 3060s go for 18k normally and the one I have on hold for 15k is a good deal planning to go with the 3060 would that be sufficient to play games and productivity work loads for the next 5 years I only use them on 1080p I'm willing to dial down setting a bit in games if required

Do you have any preferences like Intel or AMD as the AM5 socket mobos won't support ddr4 rams. So either you have to go for AMD AM4 socket 500 series mobo with 5000 series CPU or any intel intel mid range board like b660 with 12th or 13th gen i5 to use your ddr4 rams.
Yes since I feel ddr5 is costly and also the new mobos for them planning to stick with the amd 5000 series looking at the 5600(x) and in Intel looking at i5 12th (maybe 13th gen) looking to get them used for a good deal
Should I splurge and get a r7/i7 ?

What's the perf difference generally like between amd 5000 series and Intel 12/13/14th gen?

I only have a 500watts power supply atm looks like I would have to get a 650/750 watts psu depending on my purchases
if you want to use your DDR4 rams, beeter go with ryzen 5 5600, atleast you can upgrade to 5800x3D when you want to.

DDR4 rams are supported only upto 13th gen on Intel platform.

considering your budget, i5 12400f and a b660 with Max out 20k budget

if you want to get more for your budget, you can get R5 5500 with b650 ds3h motherboard from gigabyte and use savings for better GPU.

if your going for productivity, then you can go for 3060 ti 12gb. it performs almost like 4060.

if you buy second hand, you can get 3070 for 20 22k or 3070ti for 25 27k.

check prev deals on classified section.
Yes since I feel ddr5 is costly and also the new mobos for them planning to stick with the amd 5000 series looking at the 5600(x) and in Intel looking at i5 12th (maybe 13th gen) looking to get them used for a good deal
Should I splurge and get a r7/i7 ?

What's the perf difference generally like between amd 5000 series and Intel 12/13/14th gen?

I only have a 500watts power supply atm looks like I would have to get a 650/750 watts psu depending on my purchases
As long as your PSU has 6+2 connector for PCIE (GPU) you're good to go with 3060 or 3060ti as these cards are not power hunger and use upto 220 watts. I would say go with intel if you're into overclocking thing, else ryzen 5600x is your best bet. For performance of CPU and GPU you can check userbenckmark website.
got a RTX3060 12GB LHR
does this LHR limit me in any productivity tasks ? idk maybe would so something related to crypto currency even

any suggestions on where should i look for secound hand cpus ?
Ultra confused guys need some help to decide this confusion is mainly due to the non existent budget I just want good value for money and don't want to spend a lot

as previously mentioned I have just got a 3060 12GB used and intend to use this

My workloads are gaming, programming, looking to venture into the world of game development and maybe some other computationally intensive like AI or ML maybe

I plan to atleast use this system for the next 5 years

Here a few questions in my mind

1. Is ddr5 worth it ? DDR4 vs DDR5

This is special as I have some unmatched 2x8gb ddr4 sticks that I'm able to run in only single channel on my h170 + i5 6500

I'm feeling since I'm fairly a big multi Tasker and I have 2 monitors and would probably have alot of chrome tabs open even while gamming and since 16gb is considered the bare minimum these days I'm more inclined to upgrade to 32gb but the question is would it be

Especially I don't want to spend a lot of money on a motherboard

a. Use existing sticks and don't upgrade on a new DDR4 board with 2 dimm slots so if I want to go 32 I would have to buy a kit used or new and sell off my existing ram sticks (2x8gb DDR4)

b. Use existing sticks with 2 more sticks of 8gb in a new DDR4 motherboard with 4 ram slots (4x8gb DDR4)

c. Get a ddr5 board with 2 slots and get (2x8gb ddr5) 16/32gigs here if I get 16 and want to upgrade to 32 woul have to sell off these

d. Get a ddr5 board with 4 dimm slots and get 2x8gb ddr5 first and later down the line when prices reduce get 2x8gb more

2. Processor selection

Mostly looking for Intel 12/13/14 since they gave a huge performance bump from what I can see

13th gen seems to be a decent bump from the 12th gen for example I believe the 13600k is better than 12700k for most cases so I am narrowing down to 13/14th gen used/OEM/tray (since I consider cpus to be indestructible I feel it's ok to buy without warranty share your thoughts on this) mostly 14th gen is not available like this from what I can see so it boils down to 13600k or 13700k

I got quotes for tray processors
12600k - 11.5k (tray) and 14k+shipping from a guy
13600k - 15.5k

13700k - 23.5k

I don't really want to overclock them but seems like they only have these idk

Also amd am5 7000 series looks good especially with there platform upgrade path and effeciency but I'm not sure I plan to use the same for 5 years atleast should I worry about platform end of life ?

3. Motherboard
I don't really want to spend a lot of money here most likely would get a b760/660 for 10k or so new as used is not available
I can see a few used z690 for 23k ish

4. Power supply
I have a cx500 80 plus rated, since this GPU people recommend atleast 650w I'm planning to get a used seasonic s12g 750w 2 years used but no warrenty is what the seller claims it seems to be from a big lot the reviews and build quality seems good plan to go check it out and purchase for 2k

5. Cooler
I already have a cooler master hyper 212x it doesn't have lga 1700 support I have emailed support if they have a bracket or mounting kit but I can see people mount this and it should be mountable with a different backplate thingy or cut a bit of the existing one refer https://linustechtips.com/topic/1475909-question-hyper-212-evo-v1-and-1700-socket/
I also see a noctua nh-d15 for ~6k I'm not going to overclock hence won't need it that much and don't want spend that much is what I feel but it seems nice

I also value efficiency fairly as I use the computer for a decent amount of time
Generally 3 hours for 3 days a week and about 10-12 hours all the other days of the week

Thanks for all the valuable advice in advance
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