Need for Speed goes Undercover November 18

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So its coming out and it will be like most wanted

As noted by Riccitiello, Undercover will feature gameplay that resembles 2005's NFS: Most Wanted, emphasizing car chases, underground racing, and highway battles. The shift in direction, according to Riccitiello, was possible because EA's Vancouver-based Black Box is no longer being "tortured" by a one-year development cycle. GameSpot will have its first impressions of the retooled racer next Wednesday.

so on same day we are getting gta4 and underpants :rofl:

Need for Speed Undercover is expected to drift onto retail shelves in North America on November 18, with a European release following on November 21.

Link :- Need for Speed goes Undercover November 18 - News at GameSpot
Ha competing with gta4 pc edition. i dont think its gonna stand a chance. with the way prostreet went EA have a huge challenge on their hands
The shift in direction, according to Riccitiello, was possible because EA's Vancouver-based Black Box is no longer being "tortured" by a one-year development cycle.

Yeah, Because Pro-street was launched more than a year ago.*rolls eyes*

Also, I don't think this will suffer much by releasing along side GTA4PC, at least on the consoles.
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