Audio Need Good Gaming Headphone !!


Hi guys

Not sure where to put this question in gaming or pc peripherals !!

Need to buy good Headphone with mic for PC gaming purpose as well as listening to songs & movies

Budget is 3-4 K

any suggestions ?

Are there any headphones which are great for gaming, music and movies? Which would be the least compromised headphones to get?
I am using Audio Technica Ad300 and it's a hell of a gaming headphone.
It also sings pretty good songs with audiophile type sound :p

One more thing to note is get at least Xonar DG to pair up with whatever headphones you get, it helps a lot in gaming especially.
^ + 1 . AD series has some serious gaming headphone potential due to the airy 3d sound , especially ATH-AD700 . Lot of gamers swear my it .
I am using Audio Technica Ad300 and it's a hell of a gaming headphone.
It also sings pretty good songs with audiophile type sound :p

One more thing to note is get at least Xonar DG to pair up with whatever headphones you get, it helps a lot in gaming especially.

Where can i get these Headphones ... not available on flipkart anymore more question Do they have microphone as well ?
Need to buy Head phone for gaming , music


Need to buy Good Headphone for Gaming and Music

Budget is < 4k

Currently Thinking abt between following 2 headphones
  • Sennheiser HD 429
  • Audio Technica ATH-AD300

Please suggest between 2 or any others available

Need comfort fit for Large head.

Please do not post duplicate threads! Your previous thread has been moved from the Gaming section to the Audio Zone, which is where it fits. If you do not get sufficient responses over a period of time, feel free to bump the thread. But do not post duplicate threads.
Please do not post duplicate threads! Your previous thread has been moved from the Gaming section to the Audio Zone, which is where it fits. If you do not get sufficient responses over a period of time, feel free to bump the thread. But do not post duplicate threads.

Thanks Gannu for moving it to correct section ...,Was not able to find my old thread . will take care in future