Need Good Mp3 player

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HI All,
I am planning to take a new mp3 player. My requirement is that the player should deliver me the Very high quality sound(Bass).1gb/512mb storage would be more than enough..and the budget is 100$....As my bro is returning from US soon.....Please help me regarding this.

I have known about the SONY NW-S703F noise cancellation one...But does it give the same quality of the sound if i use some other earphones for that player?

check out the sony nw a800 series.. the stock headphones sound pretty much like what you are looking for plus you can tweak the eq
Sony is the last company i would be looking at (in terms of mp3 players) if you can buy abroad.

iRiver or iPod is what you should look at.
blr_p said:
Sony is the last company i would be looking at (in terms of mp3 players) if you can buy abroad.

iRiver or iPod is what you should look at.

Does the Iriver have the equilizer? and gives good bass?
I was planning for sony as it can play 50hrs of music with 1 recharge....
thenvk, check out the sony player i recommended. stock earphones have loads of bass and comes with eq and everything you are looking for ;)
only i think its priced higher than iriver et al
I might have to concede the sony's sound is as good as the ipod given by what ppl are saying here.

But do consider other options as well. If you can find a store that stocks say an ipod, a comparable iriver and this sony, asky your brother to test out the sound. How it feels etc. Cowon is another interesting option too.

Sony i'm prejudiced with since they like to do everything themselves use proprietary stuff etc....what software are you going to use to sync yer toons with this sony ?..can you use anything other than what Sony provides ?

so..while sound is important..other things can be too :)

Oh and someone commented you will only get the long duration if you use ATRAC encoded files..Who uses ATRAC to encode ?

thats what the Minidisc uses and is a pretty much dead format that only Sony supports.
well i have the 2gb version of the nw a 800, the software supplied is some sonic stage which imo is equal (as painful or as painless whichever way you look at it) in functionality to itunes. so not as easy as the iriver where you could just drag and drop files.

since the TP already has a sony i guess he is using something similar already to transfer his files.

my recommendation was purely based on SQ though and personal experiences. i have a ipod mini , ipod video 30gb which i sold a few months ago , iriver h10 and recently the sony and using stock earphones the sony phones had the most bass (which is what the TP seems to be stressing on and hence my recommendation ;))

the vocals are very clear on the sony but i found it a bit too boomy for my tastes which was cured by using a creative ep 630 but the player was for my mum who also wanted 'lots of bass' so the stock earphones were perfect for that and sound is still good.
dude iriver has sum awesome soundin players wch give sennheiser earphones.....believe me they are way better den couz had got 1 frm states....its way better den my 2 ipod nanos & transcend tsonic 1gb....sandisk sansa also make pretty gud players
dj_faithless said:
dude iriver has sum awesome soundin players wch give sennheiser earphones.....believe me they are way better den couz had got 1 frm states....its way better den my 2 ipod nanos & transcend tsonic 1gb....sandisk sansa also make pretty gud players

Can u please give me the model number...
bottle said:
my recommendation was purely based on SQ though and personal experiences. i have a ipod mini , ipod video 30gb which i sold a few months ago , iriver h10 and recently the sony and using stock earphones the sony phones had the most bass (which is what the TP seems to be stressing on and hence my recommendation ;))
..and my compliments for doing a *bang-up* job on that :D

i still think the op should consider intangibles like usability of the interface etc. Sony has a good reputation for sound...good quality DACs etc

..but jap companies...when it comes to modifying firmware to suit user requests have a poor record compared to the koreans. iRiver from past experience has been the best here, way beyond expectations of even the hallowed iPod.
Finally i decided to go with iriver......but yet to decide the model...Some one please help me for this...100$ budget (Expendable memory + AAA battery compatible would be an addition),........

I have one general question....Which can be extended in memory either a flash or HD player?
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