need guidance...feel like life is out of track...

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Analog Vibes
Guys i dont knw why but i feel like my life is completely ..out of track..and i knw..i am responsible for it..
aclty i scored 84 % in SSC boards..and took up SCI in KJ Somaiya junior college.
as i wanted to do engineering..i also skipped biology and took comp.sci (vocational) for college life started...i did not study much in my first semester of 11th (FYJC) some of my frnds told me its ok..if u enjoy in 11th..and den again study hard in 12th...
and i have completely lost track of my studies...and feel very even my books..
now the i always wanted to something..big in the field of computers/IT ..and working for a big company like MS .or to say..have my very own big buisness this decided to engineering
but now lookin at all the studies..spcly the PHYSICS and MATHS (yucks )..i feel like i wont be able to cope up with all this and engineering..
MY aim is to score very high marks..and get admission in a very good engineering college...

also is it true that the 11th and 12 th portion is very much related...???
so i dont knw what should i do exams starting in 2 days time ...and still dont feel like studying...

so guys..plzz help me out...and tell me ..what should i life..should i continue with SCI ..and my dreams...or i am not fit do engineering ??
also ...i dunno what after engineering..and how do i get to my dreams...
i am not understanding..anythin... thts goin on with me..
dude i better suggest atlest do 12th now....and instead of opting engineering opt for some better computer related stuffs.........

mumbai engineering deals alot with maths...if u still want to do optfrmpune side..........

and i would say dont skip maths dude........its the main funda in enginering.......and in any feild related with science......u need maths...even dna rna stuff of bio too deals withit.........i would say u r in better position.......i had bio in 11th 12th...and i failed every bio test..........and inorderto get clear 12th i study bio hard got 84 out of 100.......but damn in enggr that doesnt count........also got ard 88 percentile somehht okk coll i got......

dude i would personally say atlest till 12th study sincerely......also start some counselling stuff.......and seein which feild of computers u interested...lik try coding,animation ,graphics...etc.......the one in which u feel like spending hours and all do that stuff(or course related to it)either here or in us(ill prefer).........
thanx.....for u r advice....but will need some more..diferent opinions..and guidance...
If you hate maths and physics, then forget abt Engg...... no point in doing engg if you hate those 2 will more or less hate engg....

And your dreams doesnt necessarily have to be through can do a Bcom/BBM course and then slog your A$$ off for CAT and go to a good B school and get an MBA degree from them.....they pay very well too...

And later, when you want to start your own company, your MBA degree will hold you in good stead !!
You dont hate maths or any other subject - you just haven't devoted time to it. the day you become good at them and they become easy for you, they will become your favourite subjects.
Maybe its time you get out of your comfort zone ?

from STD 1 to STD 12, all of them are related. for engg entrance exams point of view, yes std 11 and 12 both are important.

start studying.
Man these topics are starting to take hold of this forum now. Think we could create a new section altogether for academic questions? (no offense intended, please)
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