CPU/Mobo Need guidance to buy proc and mobo!!

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Hi Guys!!

I am going to buy a new pc!!

When - By 10th Dec

Budget - 28k-32k(Max to max 35k but try to be below 32k)

Use- A bit of gaming and lots of programming and work

22/18.5'' HD moniter......please suggest the brand and size
OD- DVD RW.. i suppose LG will be good
2 or 4 GB of DDR3 Ram...........still dont know will go for 2 or 4GB...depends on budget......but need a DDR3 ONLY!!
HDD- 500 GB......Segates or WD.....Suggest Please
PSU- Buying maxcool cabinet so wont thes stock psu work? if not the please suggest!!
Keyboard and mouse- logitech
Processor - Core 2 Quad 2.66GHz or Equivalent AMD processor..........I dont know anything about AMD so please suggest Equivalent AMD proc.
MOBO- Any compactible mobo with above config will do, but do not forget to mention if it has onboard graphics or not.
Speakers- Already have Creative 5.1

GPU- Not included in budget....but still suggest one (I got extra 10 k for GPU, But will by that in next month). Also make sure that the above MOBO supports this GPU.

Also please mention which config is better AMD or Intels

Location- Please let me know if u know any retailer in mumbai(western suburbs) who can provide your config at the rates you mention

Thank You
CPu--amd athlon x4 620--5500rs

asus m4a785std-evo----6700rs

ocz 2gb ddr3 1333mhz--2900rs

wd 500gb green---2500rs

gigabyte 460watts psu--2200rs

coolermaster elite 310/330--1800rs

logitech optical desktop combo--650rs

dell p2210----22inch@ 10k/samsung/benq--22inchers @ 8500--9500rs

you can buy these from lamington road grant road---i would suggest prime abgb / mahavir computers ONLY.
so what about intel core 2 quad proccessor
how much will that cost to me??

and what about the GPU and the GPU-MOBO compatibility??
Processor: AMD Phenom II X2 550 - 5.2k or Athlon II X4 620 - 5.3k

Mobo: Gigabyte 785GMT-UD2H - 5.9k

RAM: Transcend 2x2GB DDR3 1333MHz - 5.2k

HDD: Seagate 500GB SATAII 7200.12 series- 2.4k

Cabinet: CM Elite 310 - 1.5k

SMPS: Gigabyte Superb 460W - 2.2k

Optical Drive: L.G. GH22NS30 SATA/Samsung SH-S22F SATA - 1.1k

Monitor: Benq G2220HD 22" - 8k

Keyboard: Samsung Pleomax - .2k

Mouse: Logitech Optical - .4k

Total - 32k


GPU: ATI Radeon 4870 512mb - 8.6k / ATI 5770 - 11k ( DX11 futureproof )
i think what sunny suggested is more than enough,the core 2 quads have a LGA 775,you will be investing in a dying socket,better go the amd way..
If you are going for a 10k GPU then better invest in a good PSU like the Corsair VX450~4k/ Seasonic S12II430~4.2k
Thanks guys for your precious time and opinions,

I think if if buy Sunny's config then it costs me around 30k with 2GB DDR3 and no OD, so now if go for a good PSU like the Corsair VX450~4k as Kartik said i cant get OD

But if i go with Anubis's config then i n definately decrease ram to 2 GB DDR3 giving me the money to get a good PSU

Also i wanted to know if any of above mentioned Mobo had any onboard graphics or not,

Also can any on precisely tell me the difference between AMD Phenom II X2 550 and Athlon II X4 620(Means which one to go for?)

As long as mobo goes i will prefer gigabyte cos my last PC had Gigabyte mobo and it lasted almost for 9+ Years for now

And one last querry !!!!
Why any of you did not suggest Intel Proc......is intel really that bad?? (Just out of curiousity)
hitlsg said:
Also i wanted to know if any of above mentioned Mobo had any onboard graphics or not,

Also can any on precisely tell me the difference between AMD Phenom II X2 550 and Athlon II X4 620(Means which one to go for?)

As long as mobo goes i will prefer gigabyte cos my last PC had Gigabyte mobo and it lasted almost for 9+ Years for now

And one last querry !!!!
Why any of you did not suggest Intel Proc......is intel really that bad?? (Just out of curiousity)

The Phenom II X2 550 (3.1 Ghz & 7mb cache) is a dual core while the Athlon II X4 620 is a quad core (2.6 Ghz & 3 mb cache)
Why Amd suggestions? Simple! Coz with your budget, AMD configs give better bang for the buck!
Nope LGA-775 socket is EOL and investing money on it now doesnt make sense. If you can wait till jan3 then intel wil release i-3 processors.
Is PhenomII X3 720 compactible with Gigabyte 785GMT-UD2H ????

Cos i was searching online and i got to know that PhenomII X3 720 is quad core and as said by Alias That Phenom II X2 550 is a dual core while the Athlon II X4 620 is a quad core , but AthlonII X4 does not have l3 cache and PhenomII in dual core!!

And i mentioned in my first post that i want a quad core proc with l3 cache

And also can anyone tell me wat is unlocking in amd proc - - - a term that i read quit oftenly on this forum!
Thanks Guys!!
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