21-30k Need Help Building A Pc With 30k.

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What is your budget?

What is your existing hardware configuration

CPU - Intel i5-3300

Motherboard - Intel DH61BF

GPU - Intel HD 2500 Integrated Graphics

RAM - Samsung 1X4GB DDR3

Monitor - Zebronics 768p

PSU - Frontech 200W

Which hardware will you be keeping
Don't know if i should upgrade this or just build a new one with used parts instead.

Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE)
From TechEnclave Mostly or OLX if i get a good deal.

Would you consider second hand hardware from the TE market

What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
Watching HD movies

Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
Racing - Forza Horizon
RPG - GTA V, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Elden Eing

What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage.
Planning to save up and get a monitor later so
1920 x 1080

Are you looking to overclock?

Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 10 64 bit
Linux - Fedora
If you want to upgrade current computer,
The max you can go is i7 3770 (non K version) since you have H61 motherboard
Get 2 sticks of 8GB DDR3 to bump the RAM to 16GB
Upgrade the Power supply to a reputable 450 Unit
Get a used GPU like RX570, RX580, Nvidia 1650

If you want to build from used parts, See if you can get good deals for Intel 10th gen or R5 3600 based CPU/motherboard/RAM combo AND also get a PSU and a GPU which I don't think will come in 30K.

I don't know how much you will be satisfied with upgrade and I don't think you will be able to buy used within 30K.
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If you want to upgrade current computer,
The max you can go is i7 3770 (non K version) since you have H61 motherboard
Get 2 sticks of 8GB DDR3 to bump the RAM to 16GB
Upgrade the Power supply to a reputable 450 Unit
Get a used GPU like RX570, RX580, Nvidia 1650
This is good advice.
Else, you'd need to probably stretch your budget a bit, and use integrated graphics on a relatively newer CPU with fast RAM, until you can afford to add dedicated graphics.

To be honest, putting more money into a 3rd generation platform is a dead end, since games are just going to get tougher to run on it.
Take a look at this config

With a core i3 10105F, H410m motherboard from gigabyte, 8 GB crucial Ram, 500 crucial BX500 SSD, and a 450w PSU, it comes to about 21k. The motherboard might not be the best but should be ok for your needs.

There's a 1660 Super in dealer's paradise section for 11k. Add that and you have a decent gaming PC for 32k. Will run most games at 1080 Medium settings easily.

You can also look at this thread
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  • Buy a GPU for 10-12k. Even the cheapest/oldest GPU will be way more powerful than iGPU and improve your gaming experience.
  • Upgrade the PSU. Minimum 650W (2x 8 pin PCIe power connectors) to allow for future upgrades
  • Get 2x 8GB sticks of RAM
This combo will last you for a little while and allow you to get a 1080p monitor now. Note that recent games are demanding on the CPU as well, so you will want to think about saving and upgrading your platform CPU + mobo + RAM if you want to play newer games. But current i5s are way more powerful than 3rd/4th gen i7s

  • Buy GPU for 10-12k
  • Find someone selling a whole desktop with a more recent CPU which will improve overall CPU performance in 20k range with specs equal or better than Option 1
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