Monitors Need help!! Buying a new 23" lcd monitor


Hey guys i am new to the forum and i am so in need of help. i need help in selecting a lcd monitor. i am upgrading my 17" CRT to a new lcd monitor. i narrowed down P2350 and samsung xl2370. i need the suggestions and ideas of you guys and i need toknow about the availability of XL2370 in india.pls suggest me about shipping and suggest if there are better models available. my budget is Rs.13000. pls help me out. thanks a ton in advance....

Guys pls reply.
see helps to read older threads. there is one entirely dedicated to xl2370 as none of us is aware of its arrival. forget us even company help desk has no clue.

so xl is an LED if you want LED u have dell n benq.

if you want just plain LCD G2420 of Benq is current VFM favourite here

read other LCD thread you would get a better idea
antz123 said:
see helps to read older threads. there is one entirely dedicated to xl2370 as none of us is aware of its arrival. forget us even company help desk has no clue.

so xl is an LED if you want LED u have dell n benq.

if you want just plain LCD G2420 of Benq is current VFM favourite here
read other LCD thread you would get a better idea
Thank u so much antz. I will check the Benq. Is samsung P2350 worth taking risk if i am getting one.