51-70k Need help deciding CPU (AMD)

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Hi everyone, Have been idle for quite long. Would appriciate some help from this awesome community -
Had given up using my old build as I had moved to MBP. But change at work brings me back to some workstation usage. Have tried to add as much information as I can

In brief -
Usage -
No gaming
Primary - Development - Docker extensively, IDEs, other Dev tools, Lots of tabs in browser
Secondary - Photoshop, KdenLive - edit, render videos, watch videos on net/over NAS

I dont upgrade often. Usually do major upgrades in around ~4years - Except storage/display etc

Help needed -
1. Need help deciding which CPU to get - 7900X3D/7950X/7950X3D
Need a mix of performance and low idle power (considering X3D only due to power consumption). Feel 7950X3D will be overkill but still open to it

2. Do I even need GTX 1070? can I just use GPU? - I might move to 4K display next year

TIA for all the help

In Detail -
What is your budget?
max 60K (for CPU)

What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Intel i5-6600
Motherboard - Gigabyte XXX
GPU - GTX 1070
RAM - Mushkin 2X16GB DDR3
Monitor - Dell 24"
PSU - EVGA Supernova 750 P2

Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
Monitor - Dell 24"
PSU - EVGA Supernova 750 P2
GPU - GTX 1070

Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

CPU - Need help deciding between 7900X3D/7950X/7950X3D
Motherboard - ASRock X670E Steel Legend - Bought
RAM - GSkill 2x32GB 6000 (EXPO) - Bought
Storage - 2x 980 Pro 1TB + 1x Sabrent rocket 4 plus 1TB - Bought/Reusing
Case - Phanteks Neo Qube 2 - Got it
AIO - Deepcool LT720 - Bought

Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
I usually dont upgrade for a long time
I might update -
Storage as and when required
Might change to a 4k monitor in 2024

Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
Online/ Bangalore

What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
First - I dont game
Primary - 80%
Development - Docker quite extensively (lot of builds), IDE and other tools
Browser - quite a bit of tabs always open
Some ML/AI work off and on

Secondary - 20%
Kdenlive - edit and render videos
Watch videos over NAS

Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

Are you looking to overclock?

Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Linux - Manjaro or Debain varient
Windows 11 Pro - Photoshop and few others
7950X3D has slightly lower base clock when compared to 7950X. But that would have very minimal impact on the workload that you are in.
Since you are covered on system RAM side(64GB) for now , my bet would be on 7950X3D.
For heavy orchestration and containerization, get the one with the most number of cores, the 7950x. Can you share CPU and memory utilization when you are using peak number of containers in your current setup? This way, we can see if you really need 16 cores CPU.
7950X3D has lower power consumption vs 7950X because of lower clocks & power limit.

IMO get 7950X, undervolt it & limit its power with that 105W eco mode, which actually consumes ~150W. This will also lower temps. 3D cache mainly helps with gaming.

This graph shows the power draw while using blender:

This shows the performance on blender at the 3 settings. GN didn't use UV. So 105W ECO mode + UV will likely result in performance even closer to stock or maybe a bit better (based on binning):

Edit : Check this for some 7950X undervolted results
Thanks a lot, guys!

@OMEGA44-XT appreciate the effort to explain this. I was certainly leaning toward using Eco mode

But the following made me pull the trigger on X3D -
* Like all devs - laziness (to an extent I'm short on time as well)
* Though the delta was a factor, this is an expense once in 4-5years
* Was impressed with X3Ds Linux performance covered by Phoronix and Level1Techs
* Though still an overkill - X3Ds performance+efficiency looked better compared to 7950X with Eco + UV (at least for my needs)
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