Need help for gaming pc config

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hello,, i have decided to go for a budget gaming pc within Rs30,000. I went to the shopkeeper and he suggested me AMD Phenom X3 8650 and a motherboard of ASUS M3A78EM. I asked for Nvidia 9600GT with it. He said that the onboard graphics was quite good enough for gaming. I want to play Fear2, Farcry2 etc.. I went for reviews in the internet, but they showed that the onboard graphics was not so better. So i want to know if i should go for AMD processors or Intel processors,and what motherboard i should select so thet i dont face any problem. And also i want to know if i go with this configuration then, will nvidia card be compatible with this motherboard as it has radeon 3400 onboard. wont this cause any problem? If i go for radeon graphics card which one should i take? and also suggest if i should go for 18.5" LCD or 19" monitor or dell monitor......Plz take time to read my queries and suggest me...
thank u....
PII X2 550: 5k

Asus M3A 78-Em: 4.5k

2*2Gb DDR2 800: 2.5k

500GB HDD WD: 2.8k

sapphire HD 4850: 7k or a Palit 9600GT: 4.6k or a Plait 9800GT: 5.8k

Dell 1909: 7.2k

cabby : 1.2~1.5k

PSU: CX 400: 3.2k
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dOm1naTOr said:
PII X2 550: 5k
Asus M3A 78-Em: 4.5k
2*2Gb DDR2 800: 2.5k
500GB HDD WD: 2.8k
sapphire HD 4850: 7k or a Palit 9600GT: 4.6k or a Plait 9800GT: 5.8k
Dell 1909: 7.2k
cabby : 1.2~1.5k
PSU: CX 400: 3.2k
Nice config - also consider Dell 1909 with New LG 18.5" 1953T

Which gr8 contrast ratio of 50000 : 1 and 170 deg viewing angle - photo effect LCD :cool2:
^ Good config.
Get the Gigabyte GA-MA770T- UD3P if available + a single Transcend DDR3 stick.
If going for 500GB get the Seagate 7200.12 500GB hard disk, for 640GB the caviar black if available is a good choice.
Please avoid old Phenoms like the plague, don't listen to your dealer.
but a ddr3 config wud be way outaa his budget. Even a good 790feature rich mobo wud be out of budget.

Though M3A 78-Em is micro ATX, its got full solid caps, some 4~5 phase power, lots oc OC options similar to other premium 790 mobos, and is rock solid, though it has some compatibility issues with X4 940BE, and can be resolved after BIOS update.
dOm1naTOr said:
but a ddr3 config wud be way outaa his budget. Even a good 790feature rich mobo wud be out of budget.
Though M3A 78-Em is micro ATX, its got full solid caps, some 4~5 phase power, lots oc OC options similar to other premium 790 mobos, and is rock solid, though it has some compatibility issues with X4 940BE, and can be resolved after BIOS update.

Actually i rechecked and i don't think that board is available here anyway, making the whole thing redundant.
To be honest, if i were him i'd just go with E5200/E7400+Giga G31 and put the money saved, if any into the GPU budget. While the X2 550 is an awesome CPU with not much to beat it in the price range, there's no real board for it out there that's as good as the Gigabyte G31 with the same price tag, so you see, the value in the low-end Intel DCs is due to the board and not the processor itself.
IMO if i were to take the trouble of spending more for a better CPU/platform, i'd cough up a bit more and go the DDR3 way as well.
humtum0499 said:
so...should i go for inter pentium triple core with the same motherboard??? so that i can go for 9600 or 9800 gt.

you probably mean amd phenom II 720BE(~7.4K). That too is a good option. But x2 550 would be better value for money(5.4K) and with the money you save you probably could go with a better gpu
@Humtum , buy what Dominator suggested (with 9600gt or 9800gt) with your eyes closed :P very good configuration for gaming+everything else. :) , and yes without gfx card Farcry2 won't even start :P OR else you 'll get 3-4 fps, for newer games you need a good GFX card, plus good power supply. For LCD do your own research a bit, many are good..
PII X2 550: 5k
Biostar 790gx a2+: 4.5k(better chipset):clap:
2*2Gb DDR2 800: 2.5k
500GB HDD WD: 2.8k
sapphire HD 4850: 7k or a Palit 9600GT: 4.6k or a Plait 9800GT: 5.8k
Dell 1909: 7.2k
cabby : 1.2~1.5k
PSU: CM Real pwer 460w : 3.6k shipped:clap:
Thanx evryone for ur helpful suggestions. Again i m having some confusion. A friend of mine said to go for intel core2duo,rather than amd. He said amd motherboards have servicing issues. Is this right? So,if i go for intel,then which processor and motherboard should i take? And i want to know if dell lcd will be better or lg or samsung?
^^Slap your friend for giving wrong info ..

None of the Core 2 Duo | Core 2 Quad are worth spending money .. Either waiter for Core i5 or get Core i7 if you want anything from Intel..

Else AMD Phenom II is the processor to look for..
servicing issue? who suggested u such rubbish? servicing depends on the main distributor like rashi or thirupathi and the brand like asus or MSI.

it doesnt matter if its amd mobo or intel mobo.
dOm1naTOr said:
PII X2 550: 5k
Asus M3A 78-Em: 4.5k
2*2Gb DDR2 800: 2.5k
500GB HDD WD: 2.8k
sapphire HD 4850: 7k or a Palit 9600GT: 4.6k or a Plait 9800GT: 5.8k
Dell 1909: 7.2k
cabby : 1.2~1.5k
PSU: CX 400: 3.2k


now PII 550 setups seems gud than Intel E5200/E7200...or will hav to wait till Core i3 or i5 comes out.

but plz do consider the monitor..the E1909W is now quite an old model, there are other better models out there in market.
j1n M@tt said:
but plz do consider the monitor..the E1909W is now quite an old model, there are other better models out there in market.

How exactly is this LCD old? For less than 7.5k, I seriously doubt if you can get a better 19" LCD.
Thanx a lot guys for giving ur such valuable time for my queries.As i m new for buying pc thats why i m so confused!Thanx for helping me out!But if i go for monitor simply which brand should i go for? And what size would be better?And also for playing games like farcry 2 how much ram will i require?And should i go for XFX 9600GT as it is mostly available here.Other brands are also available,but i dont know surely.
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