hello,, i have decided to go for a budget gaming pc within Rs30,000. I went to the shopkeeper and he suggested me AMD Phenom X3 8650 and a motherboard of ASUS M3A78EM. I asked for Nvidia 9600GT with it. He said that the onboard graphics was quite good enough for gaming. I want to play Fear2, Farcry2 etc.. I went for reviews in the internet, but they showed that the onboard graphics was not so better. So i want to know if i should go for AMD processors or Intel processors,and what motherboard i should select so thet i dont face any problem. And also i want to know if i go with this configuration then, will nvidia card be compatible with this motherboard as it has radeon 3400 onboard. wont this cause any problem? If i go for radeon graphics card which one should i take? and also suggest if i should go for 18.5" LCD or 19" monitor or dell monitor......Plz take time to read my queries and suggest me...
thank u....
thank u....