Need help for PL-30

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I bought Soundmagic PL-30 last nov from amarbir, but earphones start giving problem now..problem is this that sound from only 1 side is coming and naked cable from connector side start coming out..i sent it back to amarbir as they are still under warrenty but he said he wont replace it coz its physically damage..:@:@

I just love my plz tell what are the other options i have to replace or repair them??..what should i do?:huh:
damage reasons 1.loud volumes during first use

2.dropping it 3.manufacturing defect

please tell about your first use.if you put it for burn in and the volume is high during the first hours may cause damage, another is caused by shipping any kind of pressure is applied to the iem.anyway if you have warranty pls ask fahim in our community about this
Could you please post a snap of the damaged part cause incase its actually a physical damage then no dealer will honor the warranty.

You could still try mailing Sound Magic or contact Mediahome and ask if he can help ;).
manu george said:
damage reasons 1.loud volumes during first use
2.dropping it 3.manufacturing defect
please tell about your first use.if you put it for burn in and the volume is high during the first hours may cause damage, another is caused by shipping any kind of pressure is applied to the iem.anyway if you have warranty pls ask fahim in our community about this

1. i always keep volume of my pl-30 around 60-90% from starting coz its too loud above this.

2. and i keep and carry ma pl-30 always in hard case whenever not in use, though maybe i dropped them couple of times but that was on soft floor carpet or mattress.

3. well i cant say about manufacturing defect, its seems ok to better know that.
and heres the pic of damage part faheem..

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dont know how it came out..seems lyk it came out by itself..
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