Need Help [Forgot Password] Keylogger Or Extracter Required..


Hello friends,

I had changed recently password for my Garena id, (wanted to get gold membership from zapak)

so I changed it to something and its got autosaved in the Garena Messenger. Unfortunately zapak guy refused to give me gold membership so I asked a friend even he was not able to use his credit card, then my exams started (dec 2011) so stopped gaming for a while. Now I want to get my account a gold membership but i forgot the password ( tried many different ones that i remember)

Thankgod its still autosaved in Garena Messenger but not able to reveal it, just able to login automatically. I tried a software called bulletpassview but it seems like the password is encripted or refered to a memory location (don't know excatly this password protection method). I am uploading the Picture of my account logged in and Garena login window, please help me to extract the password from the astericks.

I also tried posted in Garena forums but they are asking for account creation date in order to restore the password, that I don't remember.

Garena is a Gaming client, any good hacker out there can help me, or some good hacking tool if possible, I am just trying to get my account back!!

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Friends after doing tremendious googling i found that pass is encrypted in md5 or similar technique pls help me decrypt it

its a 64 hexadigit value (MD5 is usually 32 hexadigit ) I am totally new at this please help me...

The code I want to decrypt is

" f a e f 6 5 c d f 3 7 9 5 7 e 0 e 5 8 5 7 8 8 4 f e b 5 0 0 4 c 2 f e 3 7 c 2 4 3 2 a 7 2 6 6 e 5 f 7 e 5 c b e e d f b 5 2 0 5 "

I will be very pleased if anyone can decrypt this.
