Need help from mumbai Members to know price of 1m x1m poster printing :)

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On a Journey called Life :P
As the Title Say's Where can i get a good deal on 1m x 1m = 3 posters and 3 ft x 3ft = 1 poster ?????

I need to print at list 4 poster and to do so what price it will take for a good quality per poster ???

Help me with this one

Please reply to this thread as every mumbaikar can help me with this one.

Thank you .
I my self stay far from mumbai and as the event is in mumbai, I thought of taking out printout from there only

I got a rates from a local guy working in mumbai near fort (c.s.t) for paper matte format i.e . one poster will cost Rs.540/-

And we have to take 4 poster so that will cost near by Rs. 2160 :/ and all this cost we are expecting our college to pay

So before approcing them I wanted to conform what will be that cost and what Type of printing in more VFM
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