Need help: How important is Occupancy Certificate ?

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I have bought an apartment in Vikhroli, Mumbai and am planning to move in soon. But recently the site manager told me that they have not yet got any occupancy certificate and that will take another year or so. He has constructed 3 wings and there are approx 70 odd families living in them !

When I asked how they were living without occupancy certificate, he said that they gave the residents furniture permission (saying that they are renovating) and not a possession letter. He says that it is safe and that there is no issue. Also, I have to start paying maintenance from the day I get that furniture permission. I am not quite sure if it is legally right to go and start staying there (all water, electricity connections are working - only piped gas is nonexistent for the time being). He also told me that all big constructions are doing the same e.g. hiranandani, raheja, etc.

I am a little desperate to move there as the place I am staying in is not going to be with me for long. Any advice is appreciated.
occupancy cert. is issued long after the bldg. is completed.Technically, there is no harm in living in such such bldgs.One of the main disadvantage is that govt. water connection is not available till then.U will have to use tanker water.And for that u will need a water filter, pref. RO one. I 'm living in such a hiranandani from this Feb.Though I'm not sure, but i think that u do'nt have to pay taxes until OC is issued.since i'm living on leave n lisence basis, i'm not sure about this.Pl. enquire about this from the builders.
Nope..My brother in law already has a place in Hiranandani which he has rented out. Just want to know the ongoing rates. I will have to move to my new apartment as I stay in government lodgings available to my dad and as he is retiring, we will have to let go of it.
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