need help in buying a console or revamping my aging computer

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so i need help in choosing to buy a console(xbox 360 or ps3) or revamping my previous computer which is-
asus p5kpl-cm
3gb ddr2 ram
xfx gts 250
core 2 duo e7400 @ 2.8 ghz
what i am looking at is either getting a console or buying a new processor of LGA 775 package as i can't afford a new mobo with a new processor.the processors i was looking at were the core 2 quad ones especially the q9550,q9500 and also a new monitor(19 inch) for dual monitor gaming.i know buying a new processor of LGA 775 socket now isn't a good move but i don't have any other i am looking to spend around 12-13k max on processor and 6k on monitor.a console is a good choice here but i love PC's and want to take the juice out of my system before it goes into the dustbin.what should i do?:huh:
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