Need help in creating a VB Project


Guys i have got a mini project in my college to make a railway reservation form with a mini database like the indian railways reservation form . After checking out the form online i saw it is little difficult to create a form like that so i wanted help from you all as to what else i can do to make this form and how more simple i can make it .
We are allowed to use only :-
Microsoft Virtual Basic 6.0
The built in virtual database manager and in that access 7.0 for database
It should consist of 3 forms with 1 parent form that has menu editing options
Guys help required !
Need to give it before 15t Oct.
Im in Second Year I.T Engg M.U
Thank You !
The problem is that i don't know what all details will be required in making a very simple railway reservation form. On seeing it online it was very complex and im also confused that what all fields are to be entered in the database.
I think i should make 3 forms and then upload it online and then u should suggest me what to do for database connectivity ?
Shall i do that ?
3 forms ? I presume 1 for login, 1 for booking & 1 for ?

Think logically - what do you need when you try to book a ticket ?

1. Boarding place

2. Destination place

3. Date & time

4. Names of the travelling person(s)

5. Seat number

( let's keep things like type of class etc for later).

Once these details have been given insert into the database these values. Generate a unique number, assign the number as ticket id.

Next if someone tries to book a ticket with the same parameters, raise a message or do as needed
Ok ill do that. For now ill just make a form according to the parameters you said and try it out and keep class and all for later.

Ill make and see and let you know how did it know and ask my doubts :D

Thank You !
@street.soul - Assuming you're using an Oracle database,

- Create a sequence. If ticket is available, use <sequencename>.nextval and assign it as ticket id.