Need help in nursing an injured parrot

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Stig's Indian Cousin!!!
Here's the latest addition to the personal zoo at my residence! A tortured parrot given to us by our neighbours(bast&rds!) who are shifting to Dehradun. They clipped the wings of this parrot which they caught below our building a year back. Now since maintaining it is a burden for them especially as their children have been married and they are shifting to their ancestral home. I personally feel its cruel to trap a bird in a cage and then even worse to clip its wings but now I am tasked with taking care of Mithu(that's what they call the parrot). I call him Iago(of Aladdin fame). This fellow is a friendly and talkative guy who screams and runs around our flat spending more time watching tv and people than hopping inside the cage. We've had him for 5 days now. He's always ready for a snack and will eat anything.

To fix his wing and re-release him into the wild is the plan but according to the vet the process of healing his clipped wings will take time. Anyone with experience in handling parrots can post their knowledge here. It would help me in nursing the parrot back and then releasing him into the wild.

I also have a lovable 2 year old stray who is a useless lazy bum and does nothing apart from sleeping and eating. She hates the parrot. She stays in my room all day long and makes herself useful by sleeping and keeping herself out of trouble.

not much help mate, but i think you'd be better off researching on the internet, wikipedia and google, rather than waiting for replies on the forum.

keep him with you- set him free all time while his wings growing back & let him to decide whether to be with you or not. I think though you set him free in jungle he will return back as till than he quite mingle with human being & I fear some one again caught him & he may finally set in cage till death.

If your pet don't like him handover parrot to any parrot lover but with condition not to keep him in cage & keep away from Cats.
IF there is any Bird hospital then you can send him over there or any Jain "Ashram" as they usually have bird & hospital in these Ashram & they take good care of them.
See animals inhabit the situation and heal quickly.
So you better provide food and take care of it properly, that would help him heal more than anything but if it is serious then consult a vet.
I am very happy to know that people like you are present in this world.

And dont force it to leave home.If possible let him live at your home and let him make choice.And also teach him to behave well and try to correct his bad behaviour.

And I hate people who harm animals without any reasons.
Thanks for all those pictures of Iago.

As for the help I am not good. Had cats and that is all.

Looking forward for the happy Iago.
which city are you in? In Delhi, there is a Bird hospital. It is right opposite Red Fort, run by Jain Temple Trust. They take very good care of birds and they release the birds after they get fine. If they do not get fine, then they are taken care of for the rest of their lives in a separate location. I have myself taken one injured bird and the doctor their treated it immediately.

Update: These Jain hospitals have only one condition. They do not ever return you the bird back. but they set it free when it is healed. they dont want people to own birds or to cage them which is why they are never returned to owners.
Just a question isnt There any way that people can be prosecuted for clipping wings.

not sure about legalities. but you can sure get in touch animal rights activists who would love to make their life hell. . .. .eg.. PETA. they would love to get involved if they get some publicity too.. they may be doing good work.. not sure. .but they're sure after cheap publicity all the time..
First of all Caging India parakeets is against the Law. So make sure you are ready to release the bird when it is capable of flying.
while in your care, feed it with Fruits/Vegetables and fruit seeds. The also love peanuts(raw only). Don't feed cooked food. Bit greens like dhania/pundina is also good.
Make sure it is in its cage while you are away/at night (to protect from cats). The cage should not be placed near a window/door, hole(s) in the wall during night. Drafts of cold wind(from door/window cracks) can make it sick. you can cover the cage with a piece of cotton cloth at night and put in a dark place so it can rest peacefully.
Keep a bowl(large) of water, birds like to take water baths at times.

On the mental health front, try talking to it(and don't expect it to imitate human voice). Parrots are social creatures and like to bond. Provide some toys in the cage like wooden sticks, swing and perch points in the home.

Once the wings grow fully, keep it in cage or close doors and windows if you decide to let it roam in your home. It may try to fly but will not be able to fly due to no exercise from a long. You may let it fly in the home for at least month and then it go at a time if you see a flock of parrots passing by. It will survive better ina flock than being alone.
thats a great initiative..wish i could throw some insight..wish you and mithu best of luck in this initiative..

hope people could understand that caging birds is inhuman, my neighbour has one of those big parrots which has life span of around 50 years, it always stays caged..wish i could sue them..
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