PC Peripherals Need help to build a good HTPC

Well OK Listen To This .

  • All Servo Stabilisers Have a Carbon Bush That Keeps Moving Along the Toridial Transformer .this Keep Generating Noise And Small Sparks ,This Happens More When The Damn This Is Trying To Correct The Voltage When The Voltage itself is fluctuating very much ,Normally also lots of noise is generated

Hi Amarbir,

So what if the Carbon Bush keeps moving? The point is that Servo stabilizers are the most economical and accurate voltage regulators. Please correct me if I am wrong. The feedback loop is causing the constant correction of the voltage so that one gets the rated output near 100% of the time in a matter of micro seconds (source: Applied Electronics class about 20 years ago)

I have two auto voltage regulators that I bought in US when I was transferring my residence to India. It takes and outputs both 110V and 220V. They have been serving me for the last 5 years very dutifully. I find no problem with them except for the brief servomotor sounds. I have them tucked away far enough in a closet that nobody hears them.

I do not get your point in your previous post where you seem to imply that it does not give clean 220V output. Would you care explain in more detail as why the output would not be clean 220V?

When you already have output from a servo stabilizer what is the point in having noise filtering (electrical) in the extension cord unless your are talking about it as a second line of defense?

BTW, by noise filtering do you mean extension boxes with surge and lightening protection? It would be better if jargons are explained at least in brief because most of the times people refer to the forums because they do not know something and need help. IMHO, posts that simply say 'So By Using a Servo Stabiliser You Get Clean supply ,Right

Nonesense Wrong Dig More Or As Me again
' do not serve much purpose unless you clearly explain for the benefit of everyone what is the problem that we are unaware of.

Sorry, I did not start this reply to be cynical about your post but it just meandered in that direction. I really appreciate concise response but it should not be so condensed that in trying to be concise it might end up being confusing.