Need help with bluetooth connection

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hi friends-I am having a problem in connecting bluetooth earphones with my nokia-5130 handset.(this bluetooth set is of nokia only,i got it free with my E63 handset).
Can i connect this bluetooth set to my 5130.If yes then how and what changes do i need to make in mobile settings.
Re: NEED help

No chages as such. turnon the bluetooth headset ( it will display a blue light for every 3 secs). GO to connectivity, and turn on the blue tooth,
Bluetooth -> On
My Phone visibility -> shown to all
go to the next tab. Paried devices, click on Options New paried device , it will search for your bluetooth headset you can click on it and connect. It might ask for a code. I guess it should be 0000, but googleto find the default code for your bluetooth model.
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