Need help with Download Rig

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Stig's Indian Cousin!!!
i need to get myself a 24x7 download rig as well as a back up desktop but i have a few pre-requisites:

1. I don't want an Intel atom solution - i would prefer a platform which has low power consumption but acceptable performance.

2. It should run -720p videos properly. the softwares i will use--Windows 7,Office 2007-Microsoft Visio and Project,Nero 8,Minitab(Statistics Software),SAP,eDrawings,Smart Draw and Photoshop cs 3.

3. Budget -- As cheap as possible -- i am open to buying second hand hardware too.

4. the config i have chosen : (I need inputs and am open to any other option)

AMD Sempron 140 @1800rs
Asrock motherboard based on Nvidia 7025 chipset@1800rs.
2gb ddr2 800mhz ram Corsair@ 2500rs
Cabinet-Basic VIP with 400watts SMPS@ 1500rs
LCD-Dell 1910IN @ 6000rs

5. I have a 2.5 inch 160gb IDE Hitachi Harddrive which is lying around -- can i use it with the above config? Do I need any special cable or converter?

I plan to buy this desktop within a week. Will the Sempron run the above softwares?
Also please post links to market place threads which have second hand cpu+motherboard combos with waranty if possible.
Windows 7,Office 2007-Microsoft Visio and Project,Nero 8,Photoshop cs 3.
A sempron can run them with ease with 2GB RAM as my old P4 with 1.25GB runs them with ease :P

Minitab(Statistics Software),SAP,eDrawings,Smart Draw
Not much idea with these S/W' though. Wait for other members to confirm.

I have a 2.5 inch 160gb IDE Hitachi Harddrive which is lying around -- can i use it with the above config? Do I need any special cable or converter?

Guess cheap cabbies dont have 2.5" bays. New 2.5" 250GB IDE HDD costs ~ Rs.3500 according to deltapage(now stocks now too). So you can sell ur old drive for 2k~ and get a new 3.5" 500GB HDD~2.3k

If its a 24*7 DL rig then get a good PSU as i have seen members saying that they save substancial amounts on power bill after switching to a 80+ certified PSU from a genric one. You can get a FSP blue storm 350w ~ 2.1k which should be perfect for your needs.
i wanted to sell my hitachi 160gb 2.5 ide its been on my sale thread for ages now -- no one wants to buy it!!!

i wanted to keep the cost of the machine as low as possible -- opting for a fsp will drive up the costs!
If you want a stable 24x7 rig then a good PSU is an absolute must. If you don't want FSP then go for atleast Zebby Pro 350.. It should cost you ~1.5k or lower...

Power situation in India is bleak & a stable supply is needed which can withstand 24x7 output & running....
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Just curious. Why not use your lappy as th DL rig?

i wanted to keep the cost of the machine as low as possible -- opting for a fsp will drive up the costs!
Initial cost is slightly high but you can make up for it in the power savings. Generic PSU dont even have 50-60% effieciency. You can opt for Kingston RAM instead of Corsair and save Rs.500. Add that to the PSU budget. Go with the FSP SagaII 350w~1.45k as it would serve you well in the longer run.
the lappy is my lappy with my office work and my personal data.

this machine would be used as a common backup machine/download machine - something my dad can use if his laptop doesn't work.

We've already got 3 laptops and one desktop.

MSI -my laptop

Dell Latitude-Dad office laptop

Sony Vaio-Sister

One All purpose pc--the one in my signature.
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