CPU/Mobo Need help with Intel Laptop processor

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Stig's Indian Cousin!!!
I would like to upgrade my laptop cpu from core 2 duo t6500 to p8700. I tried souring it through MSI (my laptop maker) but they are charging me a lot to upgrade the cpu.
I've called Intel and all their channel partners in India regarding availability and pricing of this cpu--p8700. no one seems to stock laptop cpus in India.
I can buy it from Ebay USA but would prefer it if I were to source the cpu in India itself.
Can anyone help me with dealerships/shops stocking laptop processors?
CPU Upgrade on a Laptop... It is a costly affair, and until and unless you are ready to spend an extra 3 to 4 grands (which anyone will charge to change the CPU) makes it simply an exercise in futility...And a P8700 on current T6500 set up will bring the batterylife to half of what it used to be...

My suggestion, don't do it.. the amount that you spend on a CPU Upgrade + 10 Grands could get you spanking new Corei3 Laptop..
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