Need help with Orange Sanfrancisco

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Stig's Indian Cousin!!!
I just got the Orange Sanfrancisco today. Its my first touch screen/android phone.

I followed the instructions and rooted the phone and flashed it with the Japanese Jellyfish ROM.

I am a massive n00b when it comes to mobiles. I have a few issues with which I need some help:

[1] I use the Gallery feature in the phone to view images however when i want to set them as wallpaper I can't use the whole image - I have to select a certain portion of the image - which makes the wallpaper pixelated. the images were resized on my desktop using irfanview and have the resolution - 320x480. I want the whole image to be set as the wallpaper-what to do?

[2] I downloaded Angry Birds from the APP store but then it lags during gameplay. Can anyone tell me why? Can anyone link me to the Ad-free versions of Angry birds and Angry birds seasons?

[3] How do I get my phone to be more responsive? Is there some sort of app which lets me edit programs at startup?

[4] Please can someone post some good free apps such as office/productivity tools/general apps?

sunny27 said:
I just got the Orange Sanfrancisco today. Its my first touch screen/android phone.

[2] I downloaded Angry Birds from the APP store but then it lags during gameplay. Can anyone tell me why? Can anyone link me to the Ad-free versions of Angry birds and Angry birds seasons?

[3] How do I get my phone to be more responsive? Is there some sort of app which lets me edit programs at startup?
Angry Bird is lagging coz of your phone's Hardware Specifications..

I also had similar problems when I used it on a 550Mhz Processor.

It works very well on 1GHz snapdragon Processor(Incredible)

sunny27 said:
[4] Please can someone post some good free apps such as office/productivity tools/general apps?

You can find general utility applications here..
sunny27 said:
[1] I use the Gallery feature in the phone to view images however when i want to set them as wallpaper I can't use the whole image - I have to select a certain portion of the image - which makes the wallpaper pixelated. the images were resized on my desktop using irfanview and have the resolution - 320x480. I want the whole image to be set as the wallpaper-what to do?
You're resizing the images to way too low resolution and incompatible aspect ratio. Resizing the images to 480x800 should help, as that is the standard resolution of San Francisco.

I too have the san franscisco and i am using the FLB r8a ROM and angry birds do not lag on my phone. I am able to play very much fine. Even pinch to zoom in and out within the game works absolutely without any lags.

For editing what starts and what does not, there is a startup manager but i dont use it so dont know the name.

For apps recommendations i suggest you check the below mention thread
arun687 said:
You're resizing the images to way too low resolution and incompatible aspect ratio. Resizing the images to 480x800 should help, as that is the standard resolution of San Francisco.
I resized them to the native resolution (480x800) but still i need to resize the image in the Gallery. That is exactly why I am looking for a way to use wallpapers at the native resolution.
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