Need I Say Anything - Genius Ergo 525 & TTBT !!!

After a night's use, I feel that the mouse is very easy to use. The only drawback is that the additional buttons given - Sensitivity, Volume Control and the Previous and Next buttons are a lil' below par on quality and feel flimsy. But on the whole, super VFM.

BTW, pics of TTBT might be added later today.
^^here you go

Man i never thought TT BT would be this big and heavy. 813gms. Compared to my Xp-90 its huge:O.
[D]igital [D]eath said:
You got a new watch?

No!, you got a chip magazine? No?

I dunno then, I pass. :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: - BTW, my watch is a precious 7 yr old Titan. My Precious !!!

@ Josh, well didn't notice much of a difference in holding them. The Ergo is a Logitech MX1000 clone in looks accd to Chaos.