Need info about OEM bluetooth headsets sold on ebay India

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I have seen several listings selling the allegedly Nokia BH-214 Bluetooth headset on ebay India. They are priced under 1K INR and the sellers in all cases mention either of the following..

This is not original nokia product and has no official warranty
This is OEM product and has NOKIA logo and all but no offical warranty.

Now the price is really good for the product so wanted to know if anyone has bought these OEM items ?
Or are they just fake or 1st copy as they say ?
Or are they the bulk packaging etc one which are infact real but sold through alternate channels without their retail packaging and without warranty ?
Mostly the quality of such 'OEM' headphones is very cheap and the plastic also feels cheap....
I reckon you visit few local shops and buy one from there....
I was in market for a good bluetooth but then i found a cheap one at my home. Else i would have got the Sony ericsson MW600 but thinking about my needs, i though that i dont need anything fancy and good calling and decent audio is ok. Because i rarely listen to music, only need for TV shows and calls.
So thinking of going with something cheaper than MW600.
Still undecided and not even sure whether i want one or not.
A friend had bought one of the nokia stereo headsets from snapdeal. not sure if its the 214. I was insisting he buy the mw600 because ive been using it for a while now and find it one of my best purchases ever (the earphones are even better than the bundled ones with my xperia play). Anyway the nokia seemed original, both the packaging and the product, but the performance was pathetic. You've heard of background noise cancellation right? Well this one would cancel the persons voice and send only mostly background noise. anyone calling him would have to disconnect after a bit due to the unbearable noise. told him serves him right for buying nokia instead of SE.

p.s. just snagged my mw600s earphones on the doorknob and the right earphone wire just ripped out of the splitter. will take it apart and fix it later, but missing it so much...
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I started my quest earlier this year on buying a BT headset and had finalized on the MW600 but then i found a cheapo BT at my home (had bought 3-4 years back from dealextreme) and it worked well for my video watching. It worked with my laptop as well if i wanted it to use it that way.
But recently my onsite calls have increased and hence wanted an option but before that i just gave try to my cheapo BT and surprisingly it works very well as voice device and i am now using that only for calls as well as music and video watching.
So as of now i have dropped plan but i thought of opening this thread to ask people about the OEM as their price is really good.
On eBay India if its OEM then its fake.

I bought 2 Nokia Bluetooth headsets from eBay, same OEM stuff. But they are lookalikes fake not working garbage. Wasted my cash. Learnt lesson and later got mw600. And I am more than happy with it now. One of the best purchases I made. Got 2 extra too for family members.

Stay away from oem stuff. If u insist I can offload mine. Let me know. :D
Have a look at the Amkette one - I dont know the model number, but is available for about 1.6K approx - pretty decent and good music too. Ill ask the chap for the model number.
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