need list of mobiles

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I am in a search for a mobile, and need a list of mobiles having the following specifications.

16 Million Colors (necessary)
128mb or more RAM (necessary)
screen size 2.8 - 3.2
Battery 1200mAh or higher
Camera 3-5 mp

it would be great if anyone could even mention the weak spots of the mobile, along with suggestions.
dude ... u didnt mentioned the budget.

For around 8k, u should look for Nokia 5230, if you are comfortable with full touch. Coz the screen size you mentioned means either a full touch or full touch+qwerty.

For budget upto 10k -- 5230 (+ves : Great screen 3.2",16M colors, 3G, GPS, great touch response, Symbian os, 128MB RAM, 2MP cam with VGA recording @ 30FPS, better pics then 5800 cam) (-ves: No wifi, no Memory card/Data cable in the package, no flash.).

Other wise if you have a healthy budget and need wifi too, get 5800 XM ( +ves : Great screen 3.2",16M colors, 3G, GPS, great touch response, Symbian os, 128MB RAM, 3.2MP cam with VGA recording @ 30FPS,flash, Wifi, 8 GB Card in the package) (-ves: No qwerty keybaord. Sound quality is not Excellent, but good nonetheless)

If you need key board too, then look at N97 mini ....

P.S.: I am no nokia fan boy, but out of touch from the mobile scene these days .....:(
Hmm... I can think of at least a dozen phones that match the description.

N97 Mini, 5800, 5230, 5233, 5530, X6, Sammy Jet, N96, Sammy Ultra Touch, Pixon12, Innov8, i5700, i7500

Need more?
thanks for the replies!!
Also I have a budget of around 8-9k for a phone, but am planning to go for a used one, if in warranty...and am confused coz i am unable to decide on a phone..
What i will be using the phone for:
1) Music - 3-4 hours during travelling
2) movies
3) pictures and video recording
4) internet
5) maybe games sometimes
6) pdf reading

So I need a phone that excellent for all this and come in my budget.
i felt 5800 was a great option but it has a camera that is not at all upto the mark....and my earlier choice was n95 8gb, but now i feel that is a bit old and feel that sliders may be weak...

Also anyone using 5800Xm , are there any problems or issues using it, or common areas where it may defect. And is it risky buying touch screen phone?
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