need MP3 player with FM capability

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I am looking for an MP3 player with FM capability which can catch the signals inside my house as well as it would outside with a decent battery backup time and the ability to run when plugged in. Can anyone suggest a product? Not looking for a uber expensive, just one for some easy listening sometimes.
Do not buy the creative zen stone plus. My brother has got it and the FM sucks big time. It does not catch stations even outside. Search for zen stone plus FM problem on net and you will see many people having the same issues with this one.
Cowon D2 has excellent audio and video quality. if FM is a must, cowon D2 should not be considered as it's FM reception is really really bad. Check Creative Zen X-Fi and ipod nano (latest one with FM and camera).
whats your budget?

2-3k :transcend tsonic 850

3-4k philips go gear

4k+ sony walkman,creative zen

over 8k : new ipod nano with video(also has Fm)
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