Need new Phone

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Hell Yeah[Born Critic]
I need a new phone options are Android or Apple.

Samsung Galaxy S
Iphone 3GS
Motorola XT720

Could not get the prices for Samsung Galaxy S and iPhone 3GS in Mumbai
I am getting an iPhone4. Have asked my dealer if he can arrange any 3GS for a good price. I will post back if he replies. :)
dinjo said:
I need a new phone options are Android or Apple.

Samsung Galaxy S
Iphone 3GS
Motorola XT720

Could not get the prices for Samsung Galaxy S and iPhone 3GS in Mumbai
Dude you asked me to choose Galaxy S over several others telling that it has got more value for money. I agree but now the same thing that you said is applicable to your query here as well. You already know the answer dude of which one to go for. Besides if you really need a Xenon Flash go for Motorola (Mobile store is selling it for something around 27K, would be cheaper elsewhere) But also keep in mind that Ram is 256Mb less in Moto and so it wouldn't be blazing fast. For Samsung Galaxy S Mobile store quoted me around 28.8k much higher than Alpha @irla which was for 28K. On Univercell site its listed @27.5K but I guess there are no Univercell stores in Mumbai.
Besides no custom ROMS for Motorola. At the maximum it can be rooted but thats about it ....

Meanwhile, Cynanogen has promised Custom ROMS for the Galaxy S (I think!) ....
Please consider that this for gifting not for my use so i have to choose as per the person whom i'm giving the gift.

Only thing i'm looking is if iphone 3GS is cheaper than SGS ?
So how much does it cost ? The reason behind i'm insisting is because of content which Iphone currently have,
dinjo said:
So how much does it cost ? The reason behind i'm insisting is because of content which Iphone currently have,
Yeap, you are right. Possibly you are asking for Games/Fun apps type content which are more present on an IPhone and the rate that they being released is just tremendous on an IPhone compared to a Android. But to be frank it sometimes seems like its overblown in proportions considering the magnitude at which such apps/games are released. But anyway if you need such content an IPhone can only help according to me.

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eBay India: iPhone 3GS 32GB White Brand new FULLY UNLOCKED (item 170529938008 end time 31-Aug-2010 00:10:45 IST) Here its for 25K.

Best is to get down to Alpha they are gonna give you a genuine product at the best price.
do Alfa sell phones with warranty ? with bill have anyone purchased phones from them ?
Yes alpha sells phones with bill and warranty but as you are gifting you can get the cell phones 5% or more cheaper from alpha without bill
I dont know for any other cellphones, but for Samsung Galaxy S, they are not selling it without a bill!

techno_guy said:
Yes alpha sells phones with bill and warranty but as you are gifting you can get the cell phones 5% or more cheaper from alpha without bill

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dinjo said:
Would prefer with bill and warranty do they sell unlocked phones ?
PM'd you Alpha's number call and ask them. They are helpful over the phone :)
They are not giving prices on phone ? Did you know what was the price for SGS and iPhone 3GS
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