need silent ceiling fan

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A ceiling fan's motor hardly makes any sound. It's the buffeting effect that you consider as noise. You can verify it by removing the blades.

Blades will always create wind buffets, so you need to look for alternatives such as blower fans or blade-less fans. You may not find them in ceiling versions.

or get something like below which runs at a lower speed but has much larger sweep than the regular ceiling fans.
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^^ I don't know what a silent ceiling fan means to you so can't say if 1400mm sweep will work for you. I have 1400mm fans at my home and yes, they make slightly less noise. But I don't think you can put them in the silent category.

The pictures that I attached have different sweep styles (1 & 2) and textured blades (3). They produce gentle breeze and that makes them less noisy... almost silent.
The silent fans are mostly for rooms that already have an AC. The principle of such fans is just air circulation. Mostly these fans also have a two way mechanism meaning many of them rotate both ways the principle being as hot air rises up during winters if its switched on it creates a reverse effect of cooling and blows the relatively hot air on top. Some models are not really good if you simply run the fan and want good breeze. You need to check specs of each of the fans. Also I guess if someone from US is coming you can get a 240V from the US itself and it costs less than half what it costs here. When I checked the price range here started at around 15000 and in the US it was around 7-8000
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