Need some assistance with OneDrive Experts.. MS Support + Forums = BS


Level H
I have 3 hard drives 200 gb (os drive with some personal folders files) 80 gb to upload
500 gb (stuff drive to backup) 300+ gb to up
160 gb (some additional stuff) 120 gb to up

How can i manage this using the Windows app,
I assume I have to copy all the data inside the onedrive app folder which can be located anywhere on system .
But I dont have the required hdd space on required system.

I do upload latest stuff specially anything from camera/whatsapp and all crap to onedrive this its 1 TB FOR YEAR :)
But as soon as I start the onedrive windows app, I starts downloading already upload 10+ gb data..

Also the uploaded images if from different folders from mobile camera, like whatsapp stuff, telegram, screenshots, downloaded, etc. goes to one single folder only on onedrive (if can be better managed) ?
How can i manage this small stuff. @gourav Sir kindly help.. or @Arjan @veera_champ

does not works. my onedrive pc app start downloading entire thing.. to pc, if uploaded from mobile/tablet other devices..
and cannot afford to share still same stuff on 1tb hard drive space.. onedrive wont allow multiple folders.

sorry.. not looking for third party stuff.