Need some gyan on 'actual' EER ratings and also suggestions for an AC :)

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Hello guys,
I'm actually confused between the EER (BTU/hw) and COP (w/w) and wondering which one is used to give bee star rating. Can you please provide me some insight on the same?
Many companies try to highlight the EER ratings, but still their BEE star rating is low. What should be the ideal EER or COP rating for an frugal-on-the-power-bills ac?
AC suggestions, please!! :
I'm staying in a rented apartment and may have to move again after a year. Considering this, is buying a split advisable? Or should I stick to a window ac?
My room is 14 ft x 11ft. Only one window and not west facing. What should be the adequate tonnage for my room?
1 Ton A/C would be sufficient. Considering the fact that you'll be moving within an year, window A/C is advisable over split. The problem with split A/C is that the bends in cooper connecting pipes may get hardened over the period of an year and hence when you re-locate, you may be advised to change the entire copper piping connecting the outdoor and indoor units.

Star ratings are given on the basis of the ratio arrived at by the formula: (Cooling capacity in watts)/ (Power input in watts). As per 2012 norms, ratios over 3.30 are provided 5 star ratings.

Depending on your usage, choose the star rating wisely. For 5-6 hours average daily usage, 2-3 star (2012 norms) would be appropriate in my opinion.

Also, do look out for the cooling capacity expressed in watts. Across manufacturers and models, this parameter is seen to vary even for the same tonnage A/C. For 1 tonnage A/C, the cooling capacity in watts you should look for is a minimum of 3500W.
Thank you for your reply, Chiranjib. I'm thinking of purchasing the Hitachi Quadricool Summer TM 1.1 Ton window AC. It has a cooling capacity of 4000w and comes with 5 star rating. Is it a good choice or should I look at O'general 1Ton offerings?
I also found the Panasonic Cube (split) interesting, but it only has 2 star rating. Should I play safe and go with the Hitachi?
Go for Hitachi 1.1 ton Window (Summer TM). It's expensive, but the very best (5* Rating) with cooling & energy efficiency levels.
Buy 1 T Window AC.

Don't fall for the 5-star stuff. The ratings are valid for 1 year only. Check out the "star"-stickers' fine print and the BEE site.

The price diff between a 2/3 star and a 5-star will take a few years to pay back and is not worth it. Don't have to take anyones word for that - calculate for yourself.
Thank you for your reply, Chiranjib. I'm thinking of purchasing the Hitachi Quadricool Summer TM 1.1 Ton window AC. It has a cooling capacity of 4000w and comes with 5 star rating. Is it a good choice or should I look at O'general 1Ton offerings?

I also found the Panasonic Cube (split) interesting, but it only has 2 star rating. Should I play safe and go with the Hitachi?

Well, if budget is not a constraint, I would suggest Hitachi. But do check out the service response in your area before buying Hitachi, or for that matter, any brand. Panasonic Cube is built on the split model and is also a good A/C, but a bit noisy.
I do not have any first hand experience with O'General, but these machines are also recommended by people using them.

Also, one more thing I must tell you that higher the number of stars, lower will be the power consumption and hence, lower will be the electrical load on your circuit, which is good.
AFAIK, EER rating should be above 10 for a good cooling capacity. I don't know how efficient these star rating would be, but people go crazy for inverter model nowadays. Since you look for a window AC one, inverter model is invalid for you.

O General is very good IMO and i recently bought one. I favored inverter model (panasonic & daikin), but my father is so adamant that he wanted only o gen (paid a hefty 42k for 1.5T 3Star, overall 50k including everything). It is recommended for high temp area as it is expected to work even under 55degree (heard ogen is favoured in desert areas)

Also, since ur room is 14 x 11 you need to look if you live at the top floor, If yes, then go for 1.5 Ton as ceiling would be hot and 1 T will take time to cool, else 1T is the safe bet.

You can calculate the unit consumed per hour by Total AC power consumption in watts / 1000 . Total AC power consumption would be present in AC features sheet.

All the best for your purchase.
Guys, thank you all for your replies. After much I've decided to drop the idea of going for a Window AC as making that thing fit in the iron grilled window is turning out to be a mess. Will need a lot of gas cutting to do to fit it in, besides the size of the AC will make the window 'unclosable'. :( I'm thinking of getting a split instead as I have a balcony attached to the room for the ext. unit, and drilling a hole thru the wall should be easier than gas cutting the iron window. :P

If anyone from Mumbai can suggest me the best place to purchase the AC from where prices are reasonable? I'm seeing the prices at Vijay Sales, Kings electronics, Croma etc. way higher than the prices mentioned for the models on compareindia dot com. I'm thinking of getting a 1T unit. Are there any good 1 Ton 4-5 star models upto 26k?

Please let me know. Never been more frustrated purchasing any other electronic gadget/appliance, but purchasing an AC is turning out to be a chore. No one place quotes the same price for any given model. :(
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