Need some serious advice..

Guys, i'm working as a visual effects artist currently...i'm a b.arch by profession, but have taken up vfx work full time..i had joined a MBA course thru distance education from Pondicherry university last year, as i have no time to attend regular classes.. Now, the problem is, exams are in june(prolly last week)..n after giving up studies for some time...its really hard for me to go back to books..hell, i can read novels all day long, but even find going thru a few pages of management books cumbersome..:no: I make up resolutions to stat studying from the next day, but apparently, it just never comes...i'm completely fed up with this attitude of myself..i mean, i was a good student in college..its just hard to live to this reality tht i cant cope with studies now and tht i may fail in my preparations....:no: Cant see this happening..really...

so i need suggestions from ppl who are still studying or those who have taken up studies with work...what can i do to increase my concentration...frankly, its very poor now..:no: any thing tht'll help me concentrate..i mean, yoga, meditation anything..i just need suggestions....i wanna clear those papers..n for tht i need ur help..:)
lol its really hard to go back to studies once you take a gap to be honest.

Noone can tell you how to get your concentration back, atleast none of us as we dont know you personally. The best advice will be from those who you interact with in your real life. Your family and friends are to ask for.

They will remind you what you were doing in the past ;)

Good thing will be to shut down internet for major part of the day and access it only for fixed time. Discipline can start from there ;)

If you cant study for longer period take short bursts. Thats max i can advice. Its those temptations in real life and virtual life thats the main reason to loose concentration. At least thats the case with me :p

Watching a football match or reading novel seems too easy compared to study.

\But your best advice will come from those who are close to u and none of us.
Funky said:
The best advice will be from those who you interact with in your real life. Your family and friends are to ask for.

I thought of talkin to my parents, but i know what wud be coming..."we told u it wud be hard to do it with work..but u never listened to its all gonna go to waste.."..."cut tht net off...its what is ruining ur schedule..." to "you are not at all disciplined in life..." i've gone thru this so many times tht it really doesnt ring the bell anymore...:no:

Good thing will be to shut down internet for major part of the day and access it only for fixed time. Discipline can start from there

Cudnt agree with u more,buddy..i know, it is the major culprit here..but the temptation is so strong tht even at workplace, i'm always hooked to the net..(i can blame TE for all this...:p ) Lol, i used to do a lot of things on my PC before i had net access at home...thts been a long it seems all my creativity is dead...

if i'm at home n i have nothing else to do(usually i dont have much to do at home..:p..dont watch TV much ) my hands automatically reach for the net connect button evrytime i switch on the PC...i have loads of pending PDF stuff to read, but heck..i just cant do

My problem seems to be twofold..i need to get rid of this net addiction n i ned to increase my those who have successfully overcome their net addiction(i doubt there wud be many :ashamed: ) as well as those who know how to stay hooked to theri study materials without falling asleep, pls help...:(
^^Tht might actually work...:ashamed: ..but then thr is always FE...imho, no one is banned there...:lol:

No yaar, seriously i need a way out of this problem..have heard tht a few meditation techniques help...any1 know anything about it?? :huh:
Yaar, this is jst like the opposite of trying to Give Up a bad habit .. like smoking .. bt works the same way ..

U GOT to simply pick up the book and do it ..

Do this :

1) Get hold of a syllabus booklet and assemble all the cource books

2) Keep ur date sheet handy as well

3) Mark out the syllabus first

as u do this .. u ll hopefully gauge the gravity of the situation .. maybe half the work wd be done ..

4) Sync yerself wid the Date Sheet and mark out a rough schedule ..

y i say ROUGH .. cuz sch things always has room for sm crisses and crosses u kno it too :D


Time is ripe .. and no need to relax now .. u cant afford to WASTE anything now .. else ... u can imagine the results.

Make this month count first and then aim for the coming one

Pay the full respect to the knowledge bt give no respect wotsoever to the *devils* in the book .. and Hit them hard..

U dnt write the xams for urself only .. ur family and ur future members write wid u too .. u dnt want that one day u be cribbing abt the lack of opportunities .. wd u ..

All said and done .. u got to figure out a way that wd make u sit up from ur comfy couch like a jack in the box .. and start wid the stuff..

As all good philosophers say .. : We Can Guide u .. U ll hv to Open and Step into the Door .. :D

Bst Of Luck Dood ..
^^thanks for those inspiring words,buddy...i can feel the confidence now..only thing tht remains to be seen is how long can i keep up with it...actually i have made these time tables and study schedules so many times tht i have lost count...not to mention, have faltered to follow them most of the times..then it keeps going on to the next day...but it just never comes...i'm sure many have gone thru the same thing at some point in their lives..trouble is picking up books after a long time is proving to be a task for me..

But yeah, i'm gonna try to make yet another time table this time n see to it tht i follow it, no matter what..i've had enuf,really..:no: i've got to live up to my own expectations...:no:
yes.. and u better do it .. aise toh life mein bade loosers hain yaar.. being another one aint no cool act to pull off..

a 'close acquaintance' of mine has lost all the time doin this .. 8 papers of B tech and got abt 20 days for the WW3 to start ..

now i dnt want any other bro to be fiddling wid his life likewise..

C mon dude.. u aint supposed to bow to ONE silly univ and ONE cource.. save up for ur Wife.. she ll get the better of u .. dnt leav ur dad alone in that dept now .. :bleh:
yes.. and u better do it .. aise toh life mein bade loosers hain yaar.. being another one aint no cool act to pull off..

a 'close acquaintance' of mine has lost all the time doin this .. 8 papers of B tech and got abt 20 days for the WW3 to start ..

now i dnt want any other bro to be fiddling wid his life likewise..

Now thts what i can inspiring talk...thanks mate...i think, i've got all the encouragement i needed to start ...i still have like 2 months..i think, i'll cover it up...:)
Now you might not be in need of this advice and may find it a lil strange to come from my side, but here it goes.

First you need to have a desire(a burning one:bomb: ), desire to do something(finally get more money:bleh: and better career in this case, etc). From the desire comes the motivation to do it(and so from peer pressure, gf:) etc) along side determination to do it(eg:techboy,:tongue: lakh ban kar do, par sudharega nahi, @mods and others, don't take in the negative sense, sirf isko inspiration de raha hoon:clap: ). Once there is desire and determination, you will find your way through hard work etc, some way or the other you will manage.
Just the first thing which is a key to desire and determination is INCENTIVE:eek:hyeah: , woh hai to sab kuch ho jayega!:hap2:

bahut effort dala hai(sort of sarcastic;) ), reps:eek:hyeah: ko mind nahi karunga...:hap5:
Rite said:
First you need to have a desire(a burning one ), desire to do something(finally get more money and better career in this case, etc).

Good point there, TB..but actually this point doesnt really click for me..cos, my getting an MBA degree is not going to make any difference in my field of work..i'm into a creative field..(check my first post)..nobody there cares for a i'm currently working..tht makes things more complex..u know, once u start working, tht desire for self betterment dies with each passing day..:p And tht usual, 'What the heck' attitude takes over you.....tht's why tht 'burning desire' is missing....:p I'm doing it solely to satisfy add a few more lines to my prove to myself tht i have still not lost tht urge to learn..learn more...thts all...:) thing that worked for my during my graduation days was giving my PC power cord to my really helped, im serious. Try it. If you have any other distractions, try to hand over control of those to your parents too..
I know it is really hard to go back to school, I went into the working world right after high school... and decided to go back to school at the ripe old age of 29.

it took me 5.5 years of going to school and working full time to get my degree, and although my grades were not stellar, they were sufficient to get a degree and a job.

The best advice I can give you are to not stress the details, but to work on the big picture.....

If you are working .. schedule your work days on different days than your study days.. it is hard to switch gears in the middle of the day.

Take power naps when you are tired, there comes a point at which your studying becomes ineffective through lack of sleep... take an hour or 2 nap and then go back to it.

Be organized... like get a note book or an organizer to plan your week ahead.

Look at the syllabus in advance then you should already have an isea of what you will need to study each week.

Anyway ... good luck and congratulations on your decision to go back.. it is a tough but satisfying road ahead :)
ArtfulDodger said:
If you are working .. schedule your work days on different days than your study days.. it is hard to switch gears in the middle of the day.

Take power naps when you are tired, there comes a point at which your studying becomes ineffective through lack of sleep... take an hour or 2 nap and then go back to it.

Be organized... like get a note book or an organizer to plan your week ahead.

Look at the syllabus in advance then you should already have an isea of what you will need to study each week.

Thanks a lot man..i need loads of inspiration from u all to actually perform now..*kicks self for being so lazy for so long*...:p U are from my field, so i guess, u know what it is like to go back to studies after a long while...:hap5: btw, talkin about power, i cannot trust myself to i fall asleep, there's just nothing waking me up for the next 5-6 i am really avoid falling asleep between studies..(has been an inherent problem since school days..:ashamed: )

Also i have to work 6 days a week..(atleast some deadlines to meet) :( so i have to adjust study with work hours...also my daily travel time drains out any n all energy left for studies...i just go home n sleep like a sloth..:no: N when i get up..there's always THE NET..:mad:..

But yeah...thanks to all u ppl, i'm workin on getting this my time table ready...have decided to use net for only 2 hrs. :ashamed: (lol..atleast till jams are over..:p )...n yeah..not fall asleep when i pick up the books...:lol:

memories_dv said: thing that worked for my during my graduation days was giving my PC power cord to my really helped, im serious. Try it. If you have any other distractions, try to hand over control of those to your parents too..

Lol...thts n interesting idea..:lol: i think, i shud myself keep my hands off the power button...:lol: Unless it becomes mechanical and goes on and presses the button for the pj...:ashamed: :lol:
Stress makes a big distraction which can be made worse by taking too many classes or taking on too many projects at once. Try talking to your boss (if you think he'll understand your problem) if that won't work slow down with your studies a little.

mushrooms can help you clear your head if they're legal where you are.

Just make sure not to take them more than two or three times a year or they start having negative effects.

(yes, I'm actually serious)

And I agree about parents being more of a problem than a solution. I've heard the same thing for the past five years: "if you look at it that way, then thats how it'll happen" Never helped me one bit. That'll probably go back to the stress thing.
^^i think its too late to read 1 chapter at a just 1.5 months to prepare...n got five subjects...:no:

@thebigbadidea : geez..u mean, i shud eat mushrooms?? Errr..'m a vegi...:p
wow a archi in vfx .... and now moving to mgment .... good show dude...u still owe to show me your vfx works :)

u do realise whats wrong though... i am sure you were not into books when u were in archi :) it was more design and creativity and now books.... eww :D.... the change is gonna be hard.... which college were u in SAP?
First thing to consider is whether you are even interested in the management area. If you are interested, then that interest itself will automatically drive you to learn. You can never force yourself to learn something which you are not interested in at this stage.

I got hooked to computers when I was 12 years old and developed an interest in the field. By the time I joined B.Tech, I could program in several languages all of which was all done through self study and out of interest. In B.Tech, for the core computer science subjects, I never had to study before the exams. After B.Tech, Several of my class mates opted to go for MBA just for getting high paying jobs even though they are not interested in the subject. I opted to do M.Tech because I knew I would not be truly interested in any other thing. I never had to study before any of my exams in M.Tech. Just the initial reading which was done out of interest sufficed to get me good grades. Exam days were just like any other days.

Even after I joined for work, there were several people around me in the office trying to do a part time MBA course or just trying to clear CAT and enter an IIM. But they find it very difficult to study like you. I on the other hand never find it difficult to learn new things in the field I am interested in.

The point I am trying to say is that its not difficult to study and learn even while you are doing a job, when you are really interested in the subject. I do study and learn new things in the subject that I am interested in. The difficulty comes when you are not really interested in the subject, but for some reason or the other you still want to pursue the subject. In your case its very clear that you are not really interested in the subject, but doing it just for the sake of getting the degree. If you were really interested you would have been ready to take up any exam by now.

My honest opinion is that unless you are absolutely interested in the subject it will not do you much good. If you are keenly interested in the field you are in now, then don't try to spend your time and effort on something else in which you are not interested and rather spend it on learning more on the subject/area you love and really interested in and it will help you in the long run.