Artful dodger said:
If you really enjoy Vfx, you should go into it deeper. There is a top school in Southern California and I am pretty sure they have online courses, it is one of the best in the biz, and is called the Gnomon School of Visual Effects.
They offer about everything you can want, and a lot of it is online.
Hell yeah..i know about gnomon very well..

actually, most of the tuts i download from the torrents are actually from gnomon..

but gotta say this, n well, this is not just my view..Gnomon provides too less for too much money..even at my workplace (MAAC) there is this general impression about gnomon tht they are only there to make money... i'm seriously thinkin of applying to VFS, vancouver...but i need to get some experience first..:hap5:
kippu said:
being an archi myself and doing gfx .... archi..n now into gfx...
rite aka TB said:
if yes, ask her to help you out. tell her to reward you eith a date/kiss/hug etc for each lil thing you complete in ur syllabus. if that doesn't help, what will...
Lol...i keep getting those for free...

dont think it'll make much difference if i get it after i complete a course book..

jus jkin...

Lets see if this works as an excuse to get a date/kiss/hug from my
raj_pol said:
you might say what? but people have done a lot more for their studies.....
:ashamed: :ashamed: :ashamed:
Those are some stern words...:ashamed: hell, i
need more sterns words...they really work, man...thanks...


actually m all grown up or else a good smack in the a$$ wud have helped me...:lol:..)
Amd4life said:
@ Ryan - Bro, you already know what to do..Cut down on TE and movies man..Atleast till the exams get over
You are right yaar...well, i see some difference already...i have decided to use net ( for 2 hrs max...n yeah...have really started with the the preface twice...hell, thts more interesting...:rofl: jus jkin...

..actually went thru a few pages....but have to agree its a pain..but i think perseverance will pay i'm going to stick to it like fevicol now...:ashamed: