Review Need suggestion/advice/help in obtaining refund from LSB

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I had purchased a set of speakers from LSB In the month of May 2011.The total amount paid was Rs 12,479/-

The set developed some fault within the warranty period, and hence it was sent for RMA @ Nehru place's authorized center.
After few weeks, the company responded that due to unavailability of the set in India, and/or unavailability of parts, they ll be refunding the amount, the price at which they had sold the set to LSB. This amount was Rs 12000/- and it got duly refunded on 23rd May.

Three days later, on 26th of May, i sent a mail to LSB.. asking them to refund the remaining amount to me as the deal stood null and void. By this time, the notice for the company being sold to FK and the redirection page had not been put up. The CC asked me to send in a detailed email, which he ll forward to the accounts dept. and promised a response within 24-48 hrs.
After 7 days, i again called them up and asked for the status. The cc guy said that the response from their accounts dept hasnt arrived and he ll again fwd my query.

Now yesterday i got fed of waiting and called them again. The cc guy again like a tape recorder went through with the procedure and asked me to fwd the query via e mail and that he ll forward it to the concerned dept.

1) Is my understanding correct, that i should be refunded the amount which LSB holds ?
2) What should be my next step..? Haggle with LSB or fwd the complaint to FK ?
3) Will it be worthwhile taking this to consumer court ?
So RS. 479 is pending..?

Yep. The markup price which Letsbuy applied.

Well, LSB should refund you the whole amount. Why would you let them keep your money?

That is my understanding as well. Letsbuy shdnt hold the money.
The company now being defunct is causing the delay i believe. I am clueless as to what else i can do than either keep asking them via phone/email or filing a consumer court case.
As expected, an utterly stupid reply from lsb people:

Based on your e-mail, we would like to inform you that the actual price of the product Creative Gigaworks T3 Speakers was Rs. 14,479.00, after applying discount coupon of Rs. 2,000.00 the price paid by you was Rs. 12,479.00. We request your to please contact with the service center regarding refund.

I sent them a lil hard hitting email, telling them that why will the main company be refunding mark up of lsb, and that i have a genuine case which lsb prolly doesnt wants to entertain as it ll have to release funds after being shut down. Also wrote that I do not want to take upto consumer court level and hence expedite the refund.

As usual, u ll get the reply within 48 hrs. :|
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