CPU/Mobo Need Suggestion : Asus M2N-VM or M2A-VM ?


Hi !

I need to buy a new set of cpu+mobo+ram for my sister.

CPU is finalized ,its gonna be AMD X2 5200 + 65Watt TDP , RAM will be Kingston Value 800 1GB*2

Now I am facing dillema in choosing the mobo. I've shortlisted Asus M2N-VM DVI (based on nVidia 7050 + 630 Chipset) and the Asus M2A-VM (based on ATi Rx1250 +SB600 )

Featurewise both boards are on par barring the on board video. I know that r1250 is a better solution than nvidia 6100/6150 but dont know how does it scale compared to 7050.

Better on board solution is must as the rig will be used mainly as a media center,probably some HD movies in near future,a lot of TV viewing and music ans because it wont get a gfx card untill 8800gt prices comes down to 7-8k level (Which I think at least 1-1.5 years away )

Pricewise they are almost same. Nvidia one costs rs 3400 and Ati one costa Rs 3350 kolkata.

So which one will be better ???

Need your expertise guys...

Go for 690G if going for Vista. And ASUS M2A-VM is an AMD Validated solution as well, so highly dependable.

It's true that the 7050 does offer slightly better graphics performance under Windows XP, although Vista performance favors the 690G. Note that the 690G does omit SM3.0 support, but that is not a concern for HTPC builders like U. SM3 comes into picture only when u would be playing games which anyway u won't be playing with ur onboard.
m2n vm if you ever want to run linux

since the price isnt that diff, i would get the nvidia one , since there will be less hassle installing an nvidia card later on :)
for linux go with nvidia chipset

but for best performance of onboard graphix gofor amd 690 chipset. these are one of the best onboard graphics chipset out there

1. it is amd validated sol. thus less driver headaches
2. best onboard video performance
3. amd chipset are much cooler than nvidia chipsets