Storage Solutions need suggestion on SATA hdd

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I'm currently having Seagate 160GB IDE hdd. My mobo is Intel 975 AY Chipset based Motherboard. I checked in manual and it mentioned SATA.

Want to go for Seagate 500GB Sata drive.But it is SATA2. So do this works fine with my mobo?

Also,Old hdd is having win xp. Want to use new currently for storing data(movies,softwares) and in future(3 months later) want to install Win 7.. and may phase out xp in future.

Should i have to use this second one(new) as slave drive how should I connect? I mean how jumpers should be placed?

any idea how much power consumed by hdd, also can i keep hdd in hibernation/sleep if i'm not using it??

please help quickly as i want to buy this weekend, otherwise i need to wait for another weekend:(

AFAIK, since yours is a 975 chipset, it will surely work in SATA 2 mode only.

Only one single drive can be connected to a SATA port unlike an IDE port where two drives can be connected through an IDE cable setting one as the master and other as the slave drive

In the 500gb hdd there is a jumper setting which only restricts the HDD to work in 120gb or 500gb capacity (since certain motherboards wont support hdd more than 120gb).

So just connect one end of the sata connector to the mobo and the other end to the hdd. You will need a sata (power cable) converter if your psu doesnt have.

Hope u understood..
thanks @anfjavid

now i was confused totally.. as far i know my mobo supports 4 sata hdd and 1 ide drive.what is this power cable? till now i havent used sata drive so no idea...
^ There is nothing to confuse with SATA Power /Data cable.

1. First connect SATA data cable between MB SATA port and HDD.

2. Now connect SATA power cable to any free 4 pin molex SMPS plug.

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