Need suggestion on which emergency light to use

Guys off late we are having lot of power cuts at our place. Hence would need a good emergency light as a backup. In the market I see the following
1. FL Emergency light
2. CFL Emergency light
3. LED Emergency Light

I wanted to go for LED Emergency light but looks like these have very less illumination compared to CFL and FL. Also with CFL I see that there is lot of heat produced which may make the surroundings little hot.

Can someone please suggest a good brand which make to go for.
I have been using Wipro Led Lantern without solar which has 24 LED and is working really good for me. 6 months already. The initial charge was for 12 hours however from then it takes around 3-4 hours for full charging. It last around 8-10 days without charging. And at a streach I have used it for almost 5 hours in the night once. And also ued next day fr around 2 hours without charging.
i bought few of those 42led one's from ebay some 2-3 years back. all of them are still working fine even now. only the light colour from the led's is inconsistent among different batches. the first two i bought were blue-ish, next one was a bit purple-ish, and one was bit yellow-ish or pink-ish.
If you can afford it, get an inverter. These led lights have a very big disadvantage. The sealed batteries & the crappy circuit inside them. If you use the lights everyday, the batteries die within 1 year or little after a year. Getting replacement is tough. In that one year, the charging circuit can also go bad due to bad capacitors and transformers used in these.

For non portable use (daily powercuts)- A 650VA or 800VA inverter and 100 to 150AH tubular battery will last long time. If you want something portable, then get these led lights or led torches.