Need suggestions for site redesign

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Well I've been procrastinating for over 6 months now, so I guess it's finally time for me to redesign my website. I'm looking for suggestions and ideas to go into the new design for pixelGUISE.

It's a web design website. Currently it's a very professional, businessy looking layout. I want to get a lot of personality into it. I'll be adding many personal touches to it like some of my abstract artwork, vectors etc in the header, content side areas, content bg. I'm thinking of a black - charcoal gray - red - orange scheme, though I'm open to any other colour schemes you might want to suggest. Also, please give me some suggestions about the site's content... Any additions I could make? Or maybe stuff I could get rid off? Basically, just give me any suggestions in any form... anything that can help in the design process.

I will not post the current URL since the last time I posted it in a similar post my post got deleted and I got a warning...

- DD
black&red themes should only be used for underground/warez type of pages, not professional pages

try to edit the page so one doesnt have to scroll on 1024x768 (atleast the first page), maybe make a right frame and put some content there also

hacker, look at his sig
Dont keep the right frame empty and put some screenshots of your work on your main page, no one likes to read boring text as they a picture speaks a thousand words.
I strictly do not want to use frames on the site... Other than that I'm open to all suggestions.

I spoke to a lot of people about the redesign today and no one seems to like the idea of a dark website, so it's back to being light. White BG with stuff on it.

I would really like to get some feedback on the content... what needs to stay and what needs to go and what new stuff you would like to see on the site.
Right off the bat:

You've made the right choice to stay away from frames, by all means do :)

Use CSS wherever you can

Make your pages search-engine friendly so they can be indexed/crawled
Thanks for the replies everyone, but please give me some constructive suggestions about the layout design, colours, content etc. from here on.

The coding, validation, standards, search engine stuff is ALL secondary and not very important to me right now as I specialize only in layout design and can easily get layouts coded by someone else.
try using some other colour than your logo colours - right now everything looks rather dull and boring. make a theme in your mind and build a site around it

i think dark red or green would go well with the logo along with combination of black and keeping the bg white.
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