Need Suggestions in buying a hearing AID for a senior citizen

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Hey Guys,
So I need to buy a hearing AID for a senior citizen.
The person is completely deaf from one ear and has 40% reception in the other ear.
So only 1 hearing AID needed for the 40% functioning ear.

Upon doing some research I found that there are a plethora of types available raning from 10K to 200K. Need your help and suggestions for a good plavce in BANGALORE which can help me in choosing the right one.

as of now, I am more inclined towards " Behind the ear" models and my budget is 15k to 50k.

Need a reliable shop/ clinic name as I am too scared to go to random clinic due to the massive commercialization nowadays.

Thanks in advance
While I do not know a place in Blr, I know you should take your aged relative with you and let them try each on to see their comfort and acceptance of it. Further, at least the ones , I know in Mumbai let you use a trial unit for a few days before you commit to a purchase, this ensures you buy something the person who needs it ise comfortable with.
Thanks @axeman .....While after reading on the net I have understood that it takes some time to adjust to the conditions.
My worry is that with the plethora of the architectures available - I need to first make a choice or reject a few before I can proceed with taking trails. Also, the clinic would need to custom make the ear aid for trail as well so it would be a huge waste if I keep on trying multiple peices.

Any suggestions on which ones to go for from the below for my case?
  1. Behind-the-ear (BTE) aids:
  2. "Mini" BTE (or "on-the-ear") aids:
  3. In-the-ear (ITE) aids:
  4. In-the-canal (ITC) aids and completely-in-the-canal (CIC) aids
We use one by the name of Bernafon or something for my grandfather. BTE and cost us around 18k a few years back. They will have to make custom ear implants by taking measurements just like in case of custom in-ear headphones.
Cool....Thanks a lot guys....
Nowadays there is a new BTE model popular which does not require ear measurements and also allows natural sound to be heard by the user
Someone in my family uses an "invisible" hearing aid made by Starkey. Every month or two she has to go get a battery changed by the doctor, but other than that she has no problems..and it really isn't visible at all.
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