PC Peripherals need suggestions on mobo, PSU, and brand of GPU


After getting a huge help from TE members, i have finalized on HD 4870 512 MB and benq g2220 HD monitor.

now i need help in choosing a good mobo. my budget for mobo is 9k.

other things i have decided.

AMD Phenom II 550 BE
1TB hard disk seagate ( will add one more in near futue)
2x2Gb DDR3 ram 1333GHz
Radeon HD4870
Benq G2220 HD
I need suggestion on mobo, i am looking at 790FX/sb750 now. (price?)
Need a psu to match my config, (price?)
Also which brand of memory to go with, (price?)
GPU brand? price?

If you feel like having a better config, please suggest that too. I would like to overclock and try to unlock cores if possible...
Thank you for all help....