Need suggestions

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Hello everybody,

One my close friend is planning to setup a HTS but is on a tight budget which he still has to decide upon. So here are my queries:

1. suggest the best DVD player available under 5K range and other one under 8K range.

2. AVR + spkr package under 15K range and another under 20K range. it can be a 2.0, 2.1 or 5.0, 5.1 setup.

please post me ur suggestions.
regards - Sunil Yohannan
would be good to use more descriptive subject like "DVD player suggestions needed" rather generic subject like "Need suggestions"
sunilyo said:
thanks yusuf,

will take care of such small details in future posts.

It's not SUCH SMALL DETAIL buddy,

ask mod to change title and see How many suggestions Flow. Wrong or generic title gets no or less replies. :(
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