Need Tips to play CS...

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After about year or more, I went to play CS yesterday.. Suddenly I got that I've lost all the Skill that I had... :( We've some tournaments in Dec and Jan.. And I am wishing to play in it again..

Can anyone give me tips to be a good sniper? Also tell me some tricks (Not Cheats...) to kill person behind wall... I wanna get those skills again...
Since you've already played the game before, it'll take you only a few hours of playing to rediscover the tricks/skills or whatever you might call them :P.
I am not the best person to advise on this but i will throw in my opinion anyway

if you have some friends you can play with then good other wise you can always use bots(hardest difficulty) (I usually do it with bots on CS:CZ).

for accuracy : throw in around 6-10 bots and solo them with an assault rifle for headshots only(no body shots at all) its slow but eventually it gets you quick on getting the crosshair in the right place before u let out a shot

for speed : same as above and also use the flick when you shoot takes some time to get it right consistently but once you get it, it minimizes the ur reaction time

Don't know anything about shooting thru walls
Can anyone give me tips to be a good sniper? Also tell me some tricks (Not Cheats...) to kill person behind wall... I wanna get those skills again...

download those maps with transparent walls and practice shoot through with bots at diff level 25. Then practice running around the map in reverse manner.... play with bots using only scout and not magnum..try not to take jump shots...quick switch to secondary is also important.....dont 4get...

this is wat came to my mind......
lol :)

*first of all, play deathmatch with bots...its called podbots i think

*ofcourse, dont move while shooting

*check out the wallbanged series on youtube for spamming, or download spam maps which have transparent regions to show which walls can be spammed

*dont spray and pray...burst fire wins the day
leo_club said:
I am not the best person to advise on this but i will throw in my opinion anyway

if you have some friends you can play with then good other wise you can always use bots(hardest difficulty) (I usually do it with bots on CS:CZ).

for accuracy : throw in around 6-10 bots and solo them with an assault rifle for headshots only(no body shots at all) its slow but eventually it gets you quick on getting the crosshair in the right place before u let out a shot

for speed : same as above and also use the flick when you shoot takes some time to get it right consistently but once you get it, it minimizes the ur reaction time

Don't know anything about shooting thru walls

using bots is not very nice way of regaining ur lost skill.....,.bots simply move in some ordered fashion....u can alwayz anticipate their moves..
i wud have gone to cafe n played more of cLAN's to regain my skill...

shooting thru walls or spam is neat trick....for tht u need to have accurate knowledge abt the maps....

a magnum can take 4 kills and seriously damage the 5th if all wer made in a line. i use m4a1:p..
^^ of course playing with real ppl is always much much better(less predictable) than bots but you will improve if you are working with 1vs5 or more bots.

P.S. human players are also predictable. 2-3 rounds and you can pick up patterns on most of the players. very little ppl are elaborately random about what they do.
lomac_29 said:
just asking....the armor level does affect ur movement rite???

it's situational...for instance, if your team has lots of people with big rifles, and no one to tank, then it is your job, no, your responsibility to buy the shield and night vision goggles (incase it gets dark). Of course, in such cases, you must buy full armor - speed doesnt matter when your primary objective is to sap their dispensers!
hmm.. i m like a quake player and strafin comes natural to me...sometimes i feel a level 2 armor..the one with helmet..somwat restricts my it me or actually is......
snoopfrog said:
it's situational...for instance, if your team has lots of people with big rifles, and no one to tank, then it is your job, no, your responsibility to buy the shield and night vision goggles (incase it gets dark). Of course, in such cases, you must buy full armor - speed doesnt matter when your primary objective is to sap their dispensers!

usually, shields are banned :)
and night vision is useless...just turn up the monitor brightness :P

armour doesnt slow you down... that depends on the gun in your move faster with a knife in hand than and a sniper slows you down a whole lot. so run around with knife in hand and switch to gun when you hear footsteps or know that the enemy is nearby

and if you can strafe in quake, it wont happen here..coz the mechanics are different
strafing takes advantage of the fact that game engines allow you to accelerate while in the air. In quake, you jump as soon as you touch the ground hence building speed but in cs you decelerate each time you hit the ground, so your speed never increases beyond max running speed.
play wid players better than u till u r totally humiliated...

watch n study their tricks n practise them simultaneously.

knowing ur opponent always helps.

during snipping one on one... practise to duck just b4 u shoot... reduces ur chances of being shot to death 1st
Don't mean to offend anybody here but the advice given here are not that good.

About snipers, the two things important here is movement and aim. According to me if your movement is very important as if it is flawed you will not be able to pick out good places to shoot from and most importantly you will shoot while moving. As in CS if you shoot when you move while playing sniper 99% times your shot wont register on enemy. So atleast in starting pick out some key spots in maps which you are comfortable with and can handle yourself without too much help from your teammates and just remember this basic tip, never touch your wasd(or arrow keys) while you shoot. You need to perfect a way to remove you hands from wasd(or arrow keys), shoot and strafe. The lesser time you take to do this the better sniper you become.

Aim is a thing that comes with practicing a lot. Play pubs, DM's, bots etc to develop this. Another basic exercise that you can do in this is, create your server on any map, buy AWP and shoot on any random wall in a leveled place( like A long on dust2). You will leave a bullet mark somewhere on the wall now keeping that bullet mark in center of your crosshair and strafe left and right according to that and try and shoot at that bullet mark( shoot at end of your strafe), the faster and more consistently you can shoot the original bullet mark the better sniper you become :hap2: This is applicable to other guns and pistols also.

Also in a competitive game like CS where millions of people play no matter how much you practice there will be always someone better than you and the only thing you can do is to always learn from mistakes and try and not to repeat them.

And finally watch some demos of really good International players, check out Gotfrag for that.
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