Need to activate internet GPRS plan on my BB 9300

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I am having Vodafone advance GPRS connection which i am using on my Nopkia E71.

Recently I bought BlackBerry 3G 9300 and I configured the APN settings but I am not able to use internet on my BlackBerry.

I contacted the customer service and they said that I need to Spend another 300 and activate BB plan then only internet will work.

I don't want to spend anything for any BB plan. Is there a way I can activate my internet GPRS plan on BB. Please share your experience.

Normally my usage is for browsing and chatting using IM clients.

Please suggest some way out.
#irfanlai : in order to surf from the inbuilt browser, u need to install the service books of BB otherwise it won't work.

But u can access internet (only for surfing and no dedicated apps) thru Opera mini. Download it on ur pc and install it through Desktop manager. It will work.

For facebook and chatting, u can use Facebook For Every Phone and Nimbuzz respectively. Download them by pointing ur Opera mini to the given links.

For the service books, find another BB user having the same operator as urs (eg. airtel,aircel etc) and u can then backup the service books from his device and install in urs. Then u can surf from the inbuilt browser as well.
#irfanlai, i'm glad that it worked !!
One more thing, consider it my absent-mindedness that i didn't mention, u also could have downloaded opera mini and others directly on ur handset by browsing through inbuilt browser using WiFi. It would have worked in that case as well.
wi fi is the only option. BBS is one the main resons why people dont want to buy this phone and also want to buy this phone.
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