Need to buy a modded PSP in Bangalore

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Dear All

this is my first post , kindly guide me where can i buy a modded psp in bangalore at what will be the cost ,is psp 3004 hacakable now , im plaining to buy this weekend .thank you in advance.
Buy a PSP from a Sony Centre and mod it yourself. It's not that tough. All the PSP's are hackable except one version with a motherboard no. TA-88v3. So just make sure about that. I would suggest you to pick up 2000 series to be really 100% sure that you can hack it.
u can go for a psp 2000 or psp 2004 which are hackable except the one which ha a ta-88v3 motherboard which is until now unhackable.....
neoronin said:
Buy a PSP from a Sony Centre and mod it yourself. It's not that tough. All the PSP's are hackable except one version with a motherboard no. TA-88v3. So just make sure about that. I would suggest you to pick up 2000 series to be really 100% sure that you can hack it.
dragon_unleash said:
u can go for a psp 2000 or psp 2004 which are hackable except the one which ha a ta-88v3 motherboard which is until now unhackable.....
I am sure u both been either smoking some good stuff lately or maybe just got up from ur record hibernation.
Head over to and look up in the trading posts..
few psp been up for sale there offlate and surely u can pick one up which suits ur needs.
Abt the details..

The moddable psp 2k series is now rare (read extinct)
i dont think u can locate one.
All the motherboards are the V3 motherboards which are robust enuf. so forget abt the hacking a fresh hackableslim psp.
All the 1000 series are hackable still as per my last knowledge.
3k series is not hackable till now either.

So getting a 1000 series psp or a prehacked 2000 series is ur best bet.
Spacescreamer said:
I am sure u both been either smoking some good stuff lately or maybe just got up from ur record hibernation.
Head over to and look up in the trading posts..
few psp been up for sale there offlate and surely u can pick one up which suits ur needs.
Abt the details..

The moddable psp 2k series is now rare (read extinct)
i dont think u can locate one.
All the motherboards are the V3 motherboards which are robust enuf. so forget abt the hacking a fresh hackableslim psp.
All the 1000 series are hackable still as per my last knowledge.
3k series is not hackable till now either.

So getting a 1000 series psp or a prehacked 2000 series is ur best bet.

According to this even the 3000 series is hackable

chickHEN released! HEN released. Homebrew on ALL PSP's even PSP-3000's | PSP-3000 Hacks

@spacescreamer, please withhold sarcasm before being absolutely sure of your facts.
guys thanks for the quick reply , but my other question was where and how much will it cost ,even if i want to buy the 2000 series where ????? national market ?? im sure its is not available @ sony will be a great help as it is my son's bday this weekend & i want to gift him that.
rishab7 said:
guys thanks for the quick reply , but my other question was where and how much will it cost ,even if i want to buy the 2000 series where ????? national market ?? im sure its is not available @ sony will be a great help as it is my son's bday this weekend & i want to gift him that.

Just check in Croma also, by chance they may have the older models. Don't go to National Market unless you are sure you can handle those crooks over there or if you know sombody who knows somebody there. Again I reiterate don't buy even a new one if it has 5.50 firmware as for the moment no hacks have been created till now.
Dude national market its availabe for 8500 according to my friend but in Gamingindians you may get it for cheaper then 8500 just go website gamingindian and in trading section you may get it PSp with UMD also and yeah in case you get PSP you have to pay some extra money for modded so its upto you
Ragin_Ice said:
I read somewhere it still cant play game ISO's.......can anyone confirm ?

Yes.. thats the whole point of it !

That HEN exploit is only there for homebrew games.

i had posted the same info here at TE.

ISO/CSO is not coming from the Alex camp at the least as per the last info released.


Try to read the info in the link properly.

Try to understand what all the person is seeking in advice and impact ur advice will have on somebody, only then post.

Lastly, I DID held back the sarcasm.

If somebody is seeking an advice, half the info will do no good to him.

better hold urself back and let some other person reply. A second hand psp aint cheap and all that money wd be put to no good use if incorrect/half knowledge is passed on.


I still suggest u go n purchase a pre modded psp.

Abt the price .. with the moddable psp selling like hot cakes.. u shd really bother abt getting it rather than the price, but just for the sake of it.. anything between 7k - 8k (+/- Rs 500)
@ Spacescreamer

I still suggest u go n purchase a pre modded psp.
Abt the price .. with the moddable psp selling like hot cakes.. u shd really bother abt getting it rather than the price, but just for the sake of it.. anything between 7k - 8k (+/- Rs 500)

thanks for the info ,but where !!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes: where where????
Head to :

go to the Trading Post Section and browse.

Oh and yea.. u wont be able to post in that section if u r a new member (which i assume u are)

hence use the pm system.

Try to locate a bangalore seller (keep that as a priority, as u can seal the deal in person.)

and i think there was a person selling from B lore.. if u r lucky.. maybe the psp still wd be up for sale.
Spacescreamer said:
Yes.. thats the whole point of it !

That HEN exploit is only there for homebrew games.
i had posted the same info here at TE.

ISO/CSO is not coming from the Alex camp at the least as per the last info released.
Try to read the info in the link properly.
Try to understand what all the person is seeking in advice and impact ur advice will have on somebody, only then post.
Lastly, I DID held back the sarcasm.
If somebody is seeking an advice, half the info will do no good to him.
better hold urself back and let some other person reply. A second hand psp aint cheap and all that money wd be put to no good use if incorrect/half knowledge is passed on.
I still suggest u go n purchase a pre modded psp.
Abt the price .. with the moddable psp selling like hot cakes.. u shd really bother abt getting it rather than the price, but just for the sake of it.. anything between 7k - 8k (+/- Rs 500)

I think you are pointing out some non-information here. First I didn't give half-baked information as you are very kind to point out when I mentioned him to buy 2000 series. And also when I mentioned that all the PSP's are hackable except the ones with the v3 motherboard I don't think I gave any wrong information in that and was pointing out to the finer points to him.

And if I have interpreted your original post which I took offence at, it's my mistake.
we can run homebrew on 3004 recently . legally we must buy Original ISO/CSO games from sony in umds , trust me i only play iso games which are purchased because they " run faster than umd"

and dont forget PSN.
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