Need to buy a PDA/Smartphone.

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My current phone Nokia 6265 is almost dead and i am goin to the US in june for a couple of months and will need a phone there....
I was thinking of getting something like the HTC Tytn II but its way over my budget of i thought of the HTC Touch but my cousin told me the interface is a bit slow....
And then i started looking online and came across a couple of Hp phones which were under 20k...but i really cant decide which model to choose
reviews are very hard to come by....

Any suggestions will be very helpful :)

If looking for real cheap phone, would recommend HTC S310. Search my posts for the review of same. Yup its a smart phone and really fast!

^^ His budget is around 20k, he has mentioned it in the 1st post.

I would suggest the Asus P527 if you need a keypad and touchscreen. Its got all the features imaginable and extremely well priced at about 17k.

@Raghunandan : thats a pretty nice phone....where is available for 17k?

And having a keypad isnt a pre-requisite...infact i'd proabably prefer something without a keypad..
I have narrowed down my choice to Eten x600 and the Lg Ks20...i checked the reviews for both and the reviews arent very conclusive...

Any one have any idea abt these 2 phones??
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