Hello guys,
I discovered this site few days back and it has become my fav site after twitter
I have few queries. I am planning to build few rigs. Lets say 5-10/week. I am based in A'bad. I am confused from where to buy the hardware.
I have zeroed in to three options:
1. Nehru place
2. Lamington Road
3. Ingram Micro
Can somebody suggest good stores from Nehru Place and Lamington Road which have all type of peripherals under single roof, competitive prices and good service???
And what abt Ingram Micro?? Has anybody ever bought stuff from Ingram Micro??Are their prices competitive?? I hope they offer nice after sales service...
Cheers :hap5:
I discovered this site few days back and it has become my fav site after twitter

I have few queries. I am planning to build few rigs. Lets say 5-10/week. I am based in A'bad. I am confused from where to buy the hardware.
I have zeroed in to three options:
1. Nehru place
2. Lamington Road
3. Ingram Micro
Can somebody suggest good stores from Nehru Place and Lamington Road which have all type of peripherals under single roof, competitive prices and good service???
And what abt Ingram Micro?? Has anybody ever bought stuff from Ingram Micro??Are their prices competitive?? I hope they offer nice after sales service...
Cheers :hap5: