Need to format my phone 6233

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I have 6233 nokia phone which has become quite slow now...... plus the contacts are also lost after 2 to 3 days after saving.......... i am now quite frustated with the phone...... when to repair shop and they were charging 300 to 350 rupees for formatting.......... i have already done it twice from them and dont want to pay another time from them.........
i dont want to just restore to factory setting but properly reinstall the OS in the phone......

now want to know what is required to format......... if anyone knows how to do it please help.........
Download Nokia SOftware Updater (NSU).
Connect your phone to the pc and start NSU, it'll detect your phone and search for the latest firmware. After you confirm it'll automatically download and flash your fone with the downloaded FW.
@Hellgate: I tried that and it said your phone is already updated to latest firmware and thus it did not flash the firmware........

can anyone tell anything what the people in repair shop do..........?? for which they charge so much.....
^^Those guys usually flash those phones. In my place, its more like 100 to 150 bucks for a phone.

When the updating software says that your phone's firmware is already upto-date, it also offers a option to re-install it anyways. Try that, should work.
those solutions are all for s60 based phones....... this one is s40 JAVA based.......... thus those solutions doesn't work in s40 handsets.....

@arjpillai : i didn't find any option for reinstalling OS if there is no update using Nokia Software Updater........
its been 4 years i am using this phone........... i know i have to get a new one.............:)

but still till that time i want to use this phone well.......... and anyways i want to know how to do this myself.......

EDIT : Got the Reinstall Feature in new NSU............ I had very old one before this...................downloaded the new one..... Reinstall in progress.......
devesh38, try downloading the latest version of Nokia Software Updater from their site. Install and now plug your phone to the PC, the software will scan for latest firmware update. If you already have the latest firmware (as you claim you do), then the software will display a message that the firmware is upto-date. Now at the bottom, there will be an option that says "Re-install (existing) firmware" or "Install anyways", click on either of those options and it will flash and reinstall the firmware.

I did this myself with my sister's Nokia 2700c which is also a S40 phone.
@arjpillai : I did that just now............ although the the NSU says that the phone is Reinstalled....... but it looks like a soft reset..... i wanted to it totally clean.........
thnks arjpillai and others too..... but i think there is no other option other than going to Service centre to wipe a s40 based phone clean.......... but they will charge around 250-300 bucks......
get it flashed by a nearest mobile repairing shop...

It will cost you around 150 bucks...!!!

No warranty would be voided....
When it comes to soft/hard reset codes there are different codes for s40 and s60.

and *+call+3,works with both s40 and s60 for Hard Reset.

In s60,you have to press these three keys at simultaneously,while the phone is booting up;and in s40 you have to press the keys in when at home screen.
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