CPU/Mobo Need to reapply thermal paste...clean with isopropyl alcohol first?

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I need to reapply the thermal paste on my Intel i5 750. Earlier, it has Intel's stock paste. I read that I need to clean it with isopropyl alcohol first. Where do I get that? And do I just dip a rag in it and use it to clean? And I'm going to be using Arctic Cooling MX2. Is that alright?

LOL you must be kidding me! Everything is mentioned on the very first link that yields on the search. :|

Any chemist/druggist would stock IPA.
It's called Clinical/Surgical Spirit. Nearly all chemists stock it. It's pretty cheap too. Just dab a piece of cotton with it, and clean both the surfaces (Heatsink and CPU) thoroughly, and then wipe with a dry piece of cotton. Just make sure all of the Spirit has evaporated properly before you reapply the Thermal Paste though.
excalibur said:
LOL that's very nice piece of animation you got there. ;)
you must be new to this.

here - Let me google that for you

all you have got to do is put few drops of IPA on the thermal paste & leave it for about 30 seconds and then wipe the thermal paste.

then you are ready to apply the thermal paste.
I am never able to find IPA when I need it .... so I mostly end up using Vodka :P .... But it does have a lot of water content so takes some time to dry before I can fix my CPU back
ronnie_gogs said:
I am never able to find IPA when I need it .... so I mostly end up using Vodka :P .... But it does have a lot of water content so takes some time to dry before I can fix my CPU back
And your CPU never shows "HIGH" temps ? :P
ronnie_gogs said:
I am never able to find IPA when I need it .... so I mostly end up using Vodka :P .... But it does have a lot of water content so takes some time to dry before I can fix my CPU back
LOL! People seem to use a variety of ghetto ways to clean the goop - I have seen peeps use nail polish remover, deodorants, perfumes, WD40 :O and so forth.
dude ask for cleaning alchol and you will get it :P from any decent store which deals with electrical and electronics stuff
Desecrator said:
LOL! People seem to use a variety of ghetto ways to clean the goop - I have seen peeps use nail polish remover, deodorants, perfumes, WD40 :O and so forth.
Add after-shave lotion to that list :rofl:
Don't use De natured spirit or doctor's spirit it is only 70% in concentration !!

Only use Isopropyl or nail polish remover which is 90% spirit..

If anyone wants then I can arrange all the supplies, I am for a non profit thing here...

PM me.
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